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  • iOS 13.0+


Swift Package Manager

Use Swift Package Manager by adding the following line to Package.swift:

dependencies: [
 .package(url: "", from: "1.0.1")


Use Cocoapods by adding the following line to Podfile:

pod "ReededGlassView", "~> 1.0.1"


1. Add ReededGlassView

Place ReededGlassView, that you want to apply effect, in the same hierarchy of the target image view (more specifically, above image view)

// Hierarchy example

Background View
  └── Target Image View (Image behind)
  └── Reeded Glass View (view to apply effect)

2. Apply effect

Set reeded glass effect with a public method like below

reededGlassView.applyReededGlassEffect(with: targetImageView)
reededGlassView.applyReededGlassEffect(with: targetImageView, widthType: .narrow) // Adding width type is available. (Default value is WidthType.default)

Customizing options

You can choose width type (among narrow, default, wide)

narrow default wide
image image image
// You can set the width type when applying the effect in the first place by adding a parameter,
reededGlassView.applyReededGlassEffect(with: targetImageView, widthType: .default)

// or you can also set it using a separate method.
reededGlassView.setWidthType(to: .default) // .narrow, .wide


You can run the SampleApp Project located in SampleApp folder. All the functions provided by the package are testable through the SampleApp project.
(It takes some time to apply effects. A Spinner is added to express loading in the SampleApp.)
Simulator Screen Recording - iPhone 15 Pro - 2024-10-06 at 21 42 34


  • The target image view and the reeded glass view must be in the SAME HIERARCHY.
  • The target image view MUST BE SAME OR BIGGER than the reeded glass view above.