Visualize satellites using TLE orbital projections
This was originally written in javascript, this repo is the scala.js port. Time will tell if the whole scala.js thing was worth it, it was mostly fun to write. If you want to dig right into some scala.js code see App.scala
If you would like to add more satellites, please open a pull request to this file:
#####resources: TLE data comes from from
Projection calculations are from the amazing:
3D earth modeling inspired by:
scala.js pulls 3rd party javascript from two sources:
- js checked into this repository: src/main/resources/*
- js downloaded from remote repositories: built.sbt
scala.js compiles scala under src/main/scala/orbits into
- optimized: target/scala-2.11/orbits-fastopt.js
- non-optmized: target/scala-2.11/orbits-opt.js
node offline/build_web_data.js
sbt fastOptJS
cp target/scala-2.11/orbits-jsdeps.js web/generated/orbits-jsdeps.js
cp target/scala-2.11/orbits-fastopt.js web/generated/orbits.js
cd web
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000