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Chase Redmon edited this page May 6, 2023 · 4 revisions

CatBox.NET - Getting Started


Install the package from nuget here:

dotnet add package CatBox.NET --version 0.3.0


Start by creating a DI container with a ServiceCollection and calling the .AddCatBoxServices() method to add it to the DI container. The .AddCatBoxServices() method takes an Action<CatBoxConfig> parameter, which prompts the user for a Uri for the API.

The full creation of the ServiceCollection looks like this:

var collection = new ServiceCollection()
    .AddCatBoxServices(f => f.CatBoxUrl = new Uri(""))

Instance of CatBoxClient

After you have added the internal services to your ServiceCollection, get the ICatBoxClient service from the collection like so:

using (var scope = collection.CreateScope())
    var client = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICatBoxClient>();

At this point, please refer to our method documentation for which methods are available and their function. Check out our sample application here

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