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Certify the classical simulation cost of black-box systems.

This Julia package is the software companion piece to Certifying the Classical Simulation Cost of a Quantum Channel.

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  • Tools to compute signaling correlations and polytopes.
  • Methods to certify the signaling dimension of black-box systems.
  • A catalog of Bell inequalities for witnessing signaling dimension.


The advent of quantum technology requires new figures of merit to compare the performance of quantum and classical systems. The signaling dimension quantifies the classical simulation cost of black-box devices. That is, it specifies the minimum amount of noiseless, classical communication needed to exactly simulate the input-output statistics of the device in question. The signaling dimension is discussed in greater detail in the Background section of this documentation.

Quick Start

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("SignalingDimension")
  • Add BellScenario.jl and QBase.jl dependencies:
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("BellScenario")
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("QBase")

Project Structure

  • data/ - Computed facet inequalities for signaling polytopes.
  • docs/ - Documentation source code.
  • src/ - Software for certifying signaling dimension.
  • test/ - Unit tests for code in src/.
  • script/ - Scripts for computing signaling polytopes and verifying tight Bell inequalities.


To reference this work, see CITATION.bib.


SignalingDimension.jl is released under the MIT License.


Development of SignalingDimension.jl was made possible by the advisory of Dr. Eric Chitambar and general support from the Physics Department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Funding was provided by NSF Award 1914440.