This Card Matching Memory Game Application built on Android Studio (Dolphin version) -JAVA
Overall theme of the app is Yu-Gi_Oh!
There are total 9 levels available (from 4 cards to 20 cards).
Each level has each own background and music.
This app can be found on google store:
Available Functionalities:
-Users can enter the number of tiles to be displayed.
-The correct number of blank tiles display.
-When users click a tile, the image appears.
-When the user clicks the Try Again button, if the tiles do not match, they turn over.
-The layout should change on rotation, but the state of the game should be maintained.
-Start a new game with new game button.
-End a game and show the answers by end game button.
-Users can play and stop music by play and pause button.
-Rotation does not cause music to stop.
-Users are prompted for a name at the completion of a game by Dialogue
-Scores and usernames are read from and saved to a text file in internal storage.
-Users can perform ancestral navigation using an Up button.
-Game is re-playable.
Android View:
-Splash screen:
-Main Portrait:
-Main Landscape:
-Game Rule:
-Game Portrait:
-Game Landscape:
-Card Flipped example:
-Game Over:
-Score Portrait:
-Score Landscape: