Canoe is a Web Application serving platform for front-end microservice architectures allowing development teams to create small "fragments" of ui that can then be rendered client-side via a pipelining system that uses HTTP2 Server Push
package main
import (
func main() {
c := canoe.NewMemoryCache()
r := canoe.NewHTTPFragmentResolver(http.DefaultClient, c)
http.Handle("/static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("static"))))
http.Handle("/fragments/", canoe.NewFragmentHandler(canoe.WithHTTPResolver(r)))
http.Handle("/", canoe.NewHandler("/fragments/", http.Dir("examples"), c))
err := http.ListenAndServeTLS(":18443", "server.crt", "server.key", nil)
if err != nil {
An app frame is an html file that contains canoe-fragment
elements in places when canoe will render a fragment.
<title> testing canoe </title>
<h2> hello World </h2>
<canoe-fragment href="https://my-nav-header-service:8080/"></canoe-fragment>
The canoe-fragment
tag is an html custom element that will be in charge of loading and managing the state of the fragment.
A fragment is a piece of html wrapped in a html template
that is served as a microservice for you frontend application by dividing applications
up into these fragments each portion of a web app can be developed independently from other
portions of the app. to create a fragment simply serve up and html file that looks like this.
<style scoped>
h2 {
color: red;
<h2> My super awesome fragment. </h2>
the canoe-fragment
element will clone this bit of dom and place it into an
isolated shadow dom where it have its own javascript and css that are scoped to
the fragment.
Canoe strives to be a secure way to bring microservice architecture to the front-end it achieve this by never exposing you backend fragment services to the client.
For Example when you write this.
<canoe-fragment href="http://my-private-backend-fragment-server:8080/"></canoe-fragment>
canoe automatically converts this element into a client ready version which is given an id that points to the fragment in th canoe cache canoe then carries out the retrieval of the fragment.