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Destructive Projectiles

Christian "Krissy" Silvermoon edited this page Jun 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

Destructive Projectiles

Arrows & Tridents can be a semi destructive force in The Strawberry Pack!

Stained Glass Panes and Flower Pots beware

What's that? You don't want projectiles to hurt things? Not to worry! With the following command, you can turn this feature OFF

/function strawberry:gamerule/destructive_projectiles/false

Extending What Breaks

So... you want to make more things break when hit? I can't promise any useful results with full blocks, because of how the system works...

But projectiles will destroy any blocks with the tag strawberry:projectiles_breakable So you can make a data pack that adds more things to that tag to make them break too.