The full reconstruction code for Geant4 simulations of the solenoid-type experiment at FRS.
The code consists in the framework developed by the HypHI collaboration for the two first HypHI experiments (phase0 & phase0.5). It is responsible for the track and event reconstruction of simulated and experimental data. It uses the external library, Genfit, for the Kalman Filter. It is written in C++14.
The framework uses several extrenal packages or libraries, either internal programming or physics analysis purposes. The current list of the dependencies and their purposes is :
Libraries: | Purposes: |
ROOT v6 | General analysis framework in particle & nuclear physics |
boost | Library for Boost.PropertyTree |
Genfit v2 | Library for Kalman Filter track fitting |
Eigen3 | Library for linear algebra fast SIMD computation |
spdlog | Library for fast and multithread logging |
msgpack-c | Library for efficient binary serialization to use in message passing |
zeroMQ | Library for high-performance asynchronous messaging in distributed computation |
cppzmq | Library for C++ handling of ZeroMQ framework |
sqlite3 | Library for sqlite database to use in book keeping configuration, calibration etc |
sqlite_orm | Library for modern C++ handling of sqlite database |
KFParticle | Library for Kalman Filter vertex fitting from CBM, STAR & ALICE |
Vc | Library for SIMD vector data structure and calculation |
TrickTrack | Library for track finding via Cellular Automaton from CMS |
OS X & Linux:
- first:
git clone
- then you need to activate the submodule for Genfit:
cd FullReco_SimuPhase1
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Because the sub repository of Genfit will be only on a detached head, I think it is better to assign a branch to the current and local repository:
cd src/Genfit2_v2
git checkout -b hyphidev remotes/origin/HypHIdev
Now all repositories are set.
- The local directory should look like this:
The following directories are mandatory : geo/, src/, src/.deps, lib/, config/ and calib/. If lib or .deps or config is missing just:
mkdir lib
mkdir src/.deps
mkdir config
Dir: | Usage: |
geo/ | Gathers geometry rootfiles |
src/ | Source directory |
lib/ | Installation directory for the compiled libraries |
input/ | |
calib/ | Gathers parameter files for calibrations |
field/ | Gathers field map files |
config/ | Gathers the configuration files |
- The parameter files for the experiment WASA@FRS-S447 must be cloned from the git repository in calib/:
cd calib
git clone .
External: ROOT v6 + boost + Genfit library + Eigen3 + spdlog + msgpack-c + zeroMQ + cppzmq + sqlite_orm + KFParticle + Vc + TrickTrack
Build: make + gcc > 9.3 or clang > 9
Libraries from package manager of the system : libboost-dev + libeigen3-dev + libsqlite3-dev \
Your $PATH must include ROOT bin directory. Example:
echo $PATH
Your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include pwd
/lib and ROOT lib directory. Example:
In src/Genfit2_v2: you need to have a build directory:
cd src/Genfit2_v2
mkdir build
Then configure Genfit build with:
cd build
Genfit can be built:
make install
In src/spdlog: you need also to have a build directory:
cd src/spdlog
mkdir build
Now spdlog can configure with:
cd build
And spdlog can be built:
make install
Now msgpack-c (version 3.3.0) must be cloned, configured and built with:
cd src/
git clone
cd msgpack-c
git checkout tags/cpp-3.3.0 -b v3.3.0
Now libzmq (version 4.3.3) & cppzmq must be cloned, configured and built with:
cd src/
git clone
cd libzmq
git checkout tags/v4.3.3 -b v4.3.3
mkdir build
cd build
make install
cd src/
git clone
cd cppzmq
mkdir build
cd build
make install
Now TrickTrack must be cloned, configured and built with:
cd src/
git clone
cd TrickTrack
mkdir build
cd build
export EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/eigen3
make install
Now sqlite_orm must be only cloned with:
cd src/
git clone
Now Vc and KFParticle must be cloned, configured and built with :
cd src/
git clone
cd Vc
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install
export Vc_DIR=/#VC_INSTALL_DIR#/lib/cmake/Vc
cd src/
git clone
cd KFParticle
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
make install
Then to build everything (-j# is for parallel compilation with # being number of cpu):
cd src
make -j#
cd ..
You will have the libraries in lib/ and the executables ./MainSimu for simulation input and ./MainData for experimental input
./MainSimu -e 1000 -g ./geo/GeoWasaRealSolenoidFront.root Output.root run_H3LWithA_WasaFront3_Field1.8T.root
command line options:
--help / -h : prompt the help
--cpu / -c : number of cpus
--num / -n : cpu id for event splitting
--event / -e : total number of event to analyze
--start / -s : start from this event id
--geo / -g : path to geometry rootfile to use
--config / -f : path to the configuration file to use
--log / -l : setting the level of logging: -1 = quiet mode, no stdout output / 0 = warning and higher / 1 = info and higher / 2 = debug and higher (default being 1)
Usage / help message:
!> Example of use:
!> ./MainSimu [-f Config.cfg] [--config Config.cfg] [-g Geofile] [--geo Geofile] [-c nb_cpu] [--cpu nb_cpu] [-n fraction] [--num fraction] [-s start_ev] [--start start_ev] [-e nb_event] [--event nb_event] [-l lvllog] [--log lvllog] [-h] OutputFile RootInputFile
It takes first the command line options, then the output rootfile name, then one input rootfile name.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new Merge Request