Container hosted in Minikube & Microk8s single node cluster using StorageClass hostpath-storage, when server restart, cannot read/write the previously used PersistentVolume.
We use a StorageClass using with reclaimPolicy: Retain, to keep data when the server/laptop where Minikube is running, restart.
As Bitnami chart container run as user 1001 in goup 1001 we have to change default file access mode of the PersistentVolume hostPath.
Create your own folder, in networking/values, named with the server ip, like
Copy there this two files and update values for your needs:
- postgresql.yaml where you can modify database name, user and password, persistence size.
- pv-postgresql.yaml where you can describe persistant volume specification like hostPath and capacity storage ( same as persistence size below).
Please note: pv-name and pv-hostPath are also present in for their creation and access rights.
#Add bitnami repo only once
sudo helm repo add bitnami
cd networking/postgresql-minikube
./ [projectName] [server-ip]
# where
# - projectName: is the name of the project for witch PostgreSql is installed
# - server-ip: is the ip, like, who's used by Kubernetes PostgreSql service to share the database with external uses.
# is not a valid server-ip, it will be confused with PostgreSql Docker loopback localhost ip adress.
Warning, if Minikube was started as super user, you have to use sudo.
cd networking/postgresql
sudo ./ cirrus-project
helm -n [projectName]-postgresql uninstall postgresql
# where
# - projectName: is the name of the project for witch PostgreSql is installed
#Add bitnami repo only once
sudo microk8s helm repo add bitnami
- After openning a SSH session to one of the server of the Mick8s cluster,
- git clonet this project,
- create a folder named using the current server ip, like "",
- customise install according to projet:
- database
- username, password
- persistence.size
- install Postgresql with:
# using ""
cd networking/postgresql-microk8s
sudo ./ pv-0 easiware-dev
sudo ./ pv-1 easiware-test
cd networking/postgresql-microk8s
# using NFS storage class (not recommanded)
sudo ./ nfs [projectName]
# using Ceph-rbd storage class
sudo ./ ceph [projectName]
sudo microk8s helm -n [projectName]-postgresql uninstall postgresql