Source for the website. Contributions are welcome. You can also reach us at if you have any questions about this site or the Cisco DevNet GitHub organization in general.
- Before starting work on a new feature, enhancement, or fix, please create an issue and optionally assign it to yourself or a developer.
- Fork the repository and make your changes against the 'development' branch (not master).
- After making your changes in your fork, run tests and ensure that the page looks good and works with all supported browsers.
- If you have made a series of commits into the 'development' branch, please try to squash them into a small number of commits.
- Issue a Pull Request against the 'development' branch (not master).
- The admins will review your code and may optionally request conformance, functional or other changes. Work with them to resolve any issues.
- Upon acceptance, your code will be merged into the master branch and will become available for all.