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An ASF Plugin for creating Steam Booster Packs and managing trading card items


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Booster Manager Plugin for ArchiSteamFarm

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This plugin provides an easy-to-use interface for turning gems into booster packs, and includes tools for managing trading cards and other related items in your inventories and on the marketplace.

This project was originally based off of the Booster Creator Plugin by Outzzz and Rudokhvist


  • Download the .zip file from the latest release
  • Unpack the downloaded .zip file to the plugins folder inside your ASF folder.
  • (Re)start ASF, you should get a message indicating that the plugin loaded successfully.


This plugin is only tested to work with ASF-generic. It may or may not work with other ASF variants, but feel free to report any issues you may encounter.


Parameters in square brackets are sometimes [Optional], parameters in angle brackets are always <Required>. Plural parameters such as [Bots] can accept multiple values separated by , such as A,B,C

Booster Commands

Command Access Description
booster [Bots] <AppIDs> Master Adds AppIDs to the given bot's booster queue.
booster^ [Bots] <AppIDs> <Amounts> Master Adds AppIDs to some or all of given bot's booster queues, selected in a way to minimize the time it takes to craft a total Amount of boosters. The Amounts specified may be a single amount for all AppIDs, or multiple amounts for each AppID respectively.
bstatus [Bots] Master Prints the status of the given bot's booster queue.
bstatus^ [Bots] Master Prints a shortened status of the given bot's booster queue.
bstop [Bots] <AppIDs> Master Removes AppIDs from the given bot's booster queue.
bstoptime [Bots] <Hours> Master Removes everything from the given bot's booster queue that will take more than the given Hours to craft.
bstopall [Bots] Master Removes everything from the given bot's booster queue.
brate [Level] Master Prints the optimal booster drop rate for an account at Level
bdrops [Bots] Master Prints the number of booster eligible games for the given bots


Any booster commands that haven't completed when ASF is closed will automatically resume the next time ASF is ran.

Inventory Commands


Command Access Description
gems [Bots] Master Displays the number of gems owned by the given bot.
lootgems [Bots] Master Sends all gems from the given bot to the Master user.
lootsacks [Bots] Master Sends all "Sack of Gems" from the given bot to the Master user.
transfergems [Bot] <TargetBots> <Amounts> Master Sends the provided Amounts of unpacked gems from the given bot to the given target bot. The Amounts specified may be a single amount sent to all target bots, or multiple amounts sent to each target bot respectively. You may also use queue or q as an amount to represent the number of gems needed to complete the target bot's booster queue.
transfergems^ [Bots] <TargetBot> Master Sends all gems from the given bot to the given target bot.
transfersacks [Bots] <TargetBot> Master Sends all "Sack of Gems" from the given bot to the given target bot.
unpackgems [Bots] Master Unpacks all "Sack of Gems" owned by the given bot.


These commands only operate on marketable boosters. To loot or transfer only unmarketable boosters, add u to the start of the command, ex: ulootboosters. To loot or transfer all boosters, add a to the start of the command, ex: alootboosters

Command Access Description
boosters [Bots] Master Displays the number of marketable boosters owned by the given bot.
lootboosters [Bots] Master Sends all marketable booster packs from the given bot to the Master user.
transferboosters [Bots] <TargetBot> Master Sends all marketable booster packs from the given bot to the given target bot.


These commands only operate on marketable cards. To loot or transfer only unmarketable cards, add u to the start of the command, ex: ulootcards. To loot or transfer all cards, add a to the start of the command, ex: alootcards

Command Access Description
cards [Bots] Master Displays the number of marketable non-foil trading cards owned by the given bot.
foils [Bots] Master Displays the number of marketable foil trading cards owned by the given bot.
lootcards [Bots] Master Sends all marketable non-foil trading cards from the given bot to the Master user.
lootfoils [Bots] Master Sends all marketable foil trading cards from the given bot to the Master user.
transfercards [Bots] <TargetBot> Master Sends all marketable non-foil trading cards from the given bot to the given target bot.
transferfoils [Bots] <TargetBot> Master Sends all marketable foil trading cards from the given bot to the given target bot.

TF2 Keys

Command Access Description
keys [Bots] Master Displays the number of "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key" owned by the given bot.
lootkeys [Bots] Master Sends all "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key" from the given bot to the Master user.
transferkeys [Bot] <TargetBots> <Amounts> Master Sends the provided Amounts of "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key" from the given bot to the given target bot. The Amounts specified may be a single amount sent to all target bots, or multiple amounts sent to each target bot respectively.
transferkeys^ [Bots] <TargetBot> Master Sends all "Mann Co. Supply Crate Key" from the given bot to the given target bot.

Other Items

These commands ignore marketability. To loot or transfer only marketable items, add m to the start of the command, ex: mlootitems. To loot or transfer only unmarketable items, add u to the start of the command, ex: ulootitems.

Command Access Description
countitems <Bots> <AppID> <ContextID> <ItemIdentifier> Master Displays the number of items owned by the given bot with the matching AppID, ContextID, and ItemIdentifier.
lootitems <Bots> <AppID> <ContextID> <ItemIdentifiers> Master Sends all items with the matching AppID, ContextID, and any of ItemIdentifiers from the given bot to the Master user.
transferitems <Bots> <TargetBot> <AppID> <ContextID> <ItemIdentifiers> Master Sends all items with the matching AppID, ContextID, and any of ItemIdentifiers from the given bot to the given target bot.
transferitems^ <Bot> <TargetBots> <Amounts> <AppID> <ContextID> <ItemIdentifiers> Master Sends an amount of items with the matching AppID, ContextID, and any of ItemIdentifiers from the given bot to the given target bot. The Amounts specified may be a single amount of each item sent to all target bots, or differing amounts of each item, respectively, sent to all target bots.
transferitems% <Bot> <TargetBots> <Amounts> <AppID> <ContextID> <ItemIdentifier> Master Sends an amount of an item with the matching AppID, ContextID, and ItemIdentifier from the given bot to the given target bot. The Amounts specified may be a single amount sent to all target bots, or differing amounts sent to each target bot respectively.


Command Access Description
trade2faok [Bot] [Minutes] Master Accepts all pending 2FA trade confirmations for given bot instances. Optionally repeat this action once every Minutes. To cancel any repetition, set Minutes to 0.
tradecheck [Bot] Master Attempt to handle any incoming trades for the given bot using ASF's trading logic.
tradesincoming [Bot] [From] Master Displays the number of incoming trades for the given bot, optionally filtered to only count trades From the given bot names or 64-bit SteamIDs.

Market Commands

Command Access Description
buylimit <Bots> Master Displays the value of the given bot's active buy orders, and how close the bot is to hitting the buy order limit.
findlistings <Bots> <ItemIdentifiers> Master Displays the ListingIDs of any market listing belonging to the given bot and matching any of the ItemIdentifiers.
findandremovelistings <Bots> <ItemIdentifiers> Master Removes any market listing belonging to the given bot and matching any of the ItemIdentifiers.
listings [Bots] Master Displays the total value of all active market listings owned by the given bot.
removelistings [Bot] <ListingIDs> Master Removes market ListingIDs belonging to the given bot.
removepending <Bots> Master Removes all pending market listings belonging to the given bot.
market2faok [Bot] [Minutes] Master Accepts all pending 2FA market confirmations for given bot instances. Optionally repeat this action once every Minutes. To cancel any repetition, set Minutes to 0.
value [Bots] [BalanceLimit] Master Displays the combined wallet balance and total value of all active market listings owned by the given bot. The maximum allowed balance in your region may be provided as BalanceLimit, a whole number, and it will instead display how close the given bot is to reaching that limit.

Log Commands

Command Access Description
logdata [Bots] Master A combination of the logboosterdata, loginventoryhistory, logmarketlistings and logmarkethistory commands.
logboosterdata [Bots] Master Collects booster data from the given bot and sends it to BoosterDataAPI
loginventoryhistory [Bots] [Count] [StartTime] [TimeFrac] [S] Master Collects inventory history data from the given bot and sends it to InventoryHistoryAPI. The number of pages of inventory history may be specified using Count, and may begin on the page specified by either StartTime alone or by the combination of StartTime, TimeFrac, and S
logmarketlistings [Bots] Master Collects market listings data from the given bot and sends it to MarketListingsAPI
logmarkethistory [Bots] [Count] [Start] Master Collects market history data from the given bot and sends it to MarketHistoryAPI. The number of pages of market history may be specified using Count, and may begin on the page specified by Start
logstop [Bots] Master Stops any actively running loginventoryhistory or logmarkethistory commands.

Other Commands

Command Access Description
boostermanager FamilySharing Prints version of plugin.


An item identifier is an input used in certain commands which allows you target specific items or groups of items. If a command allows for multiple item identifiers, each identifier must be separated with && instead of a comma. The valid formats for an item identifier are as follows:

Format Example
ItemName The identifier Gems will match the all "Gems" items
ItemType The identifier Steam Gems will match all "Sack of Gems" and "Gems" items
HashName The identifiers 753-Sack of Gems or 753-Sack%20of%20Gems will match all "Sack of Gems" items
AppID::ContextID The identifier 753::6 will match with all Steam Community items
AppID::ContextID::ClassID The identifier 753::6::667933237 will match all "Sack of Gems" items


Information on how to determine an item's AppID, ContextID, ClassID, ItemName, ItemType, and HashName may be found here.

Command Aliases

Most pluralized commands also have a non-pluralized alias; ex: lootboosters has the alias lootbooster

Command Alias
buylimit bl
findlistings fl
findandremovelistings frl
removelistings rlistings, removel
removepending rp
logboosterdata logbd
loginventoryhistory logih
logmarketlistings logml
logmarkethistory logmh
market2faok m2faok
trade2faok t2faok
tradecheck tc
tradesincoming ti
Command Alias
bstatus ASF bsa
bstatus^ ASF bsa^
boosters asf ba
buylimit ASF bla
cards asf ca
foils asf fa
gems ASF ga
keys ASF ka
listings ASF lia
logdata ASF lda, loga
lootboosters ASF lba
lootcards ASF lca
lootfoils ASF lfa
lootgems ASF lga
lootkeys ASF lka
lootsacks ASF lsa
market2faok ASF [Minutes] m2faoka [Minutes]
trade2faok ASF [Minutes] t2faoka [Minutes]
tradecheck ASF tca
tradesincoming ASF [From] tia [From]
tradesincoming ASF ASF tiaa
transferboosters ASF <TargetBot> tba <TargetBot>
transfercards ASF <TargetBot> tca <TargetBot>
transferfoils ASF <TargetBot> tfa <TargetBot>
value ASF [BalanceLimit] va [BalanceLimit]


bool type with default value of true. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. If set to false, untradable gems will not be used to craft boosters, and the unpackgems command will not unpack untradable "Sack of Gems".

"AllowCraftUntradableBoosters": false,


bool type with default value of true. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. If set to false, the plugin will not craft unmarketable boosters.

"AllowCraftUnmarketableBoosters": false,


The plugin cannot immediately detect when a game's boosters switch from being marketable to unmarketable. It will usually take ~4 hours to detect this change.


HashSet<uint> type with default value of []. This configuration setting can be added to your individual bot config files. It will automatically add all of the AppIDs to that bot's booster queue, and will automatically re-queue them after they've been crafted.


"GamesToBooster": [730, 570],


It's not possible to remove any of these AppIDs from the booster queue using any commands. Any changes you want to make will need to be made in the configuration file.


string type with no default value. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. When the logboosterdata command is used, booster data will be gathered and sent to the API located at the specified url.


"BoosterDataAPI": "http://localhost/api/boosters",

You will need to design your API to accept requests and return responses per the following specifications:


Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Description
steamid ulong SteamID of the bot that data belongs to
source string
data JArray The data parsed from source and sent as an array of objects. Detailed below.
data[][appid] uint Booster game AppID
data[][name] string Booster game name
data[][series] uint Booster series number
data[][price] uint Price of booster in gems
data[][unavailable] bool Set to true when the booster is on a 24 hour cooldown
data[][available_at_time] string? A date and time string in ISO 8601 format, if unavailable is false then this will be null

Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Required Description
success bool Yes Whether your operations succeeded or failed.
message string No A custom message that will be displayed in place of the default succeed/fail message
show_message bool No Whether or not to show any message


string type with no default value. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. When the logmarketlistings command is used, market listing data will be gathered and sent to the API located at the specified url.


"MarketListingsAPI": "http://localhost/api/listings",

You will need to design your API to accept requests and return responses per the following specifications:


Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Description
steamid ulong SteamID of the bot that data belongs to
source string
data JObject The data taken directly from source with empty string values converted to null

Note Pagination here is not supported. While source does support pagination for data[listings], that information can be recreated using the Market History API.


Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Required Description
success bool Yes Whether your operations succeeded or failed.
message string No A custom message that will be displayed in place of the default succeed/fail message
show_message bool No Whether or not to show any message


string type with no default value. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. When the logmarkethistory command is used, market history data will be gathered and sent to the API located at the specified url.


"MarketHistoryAPI": "http://localhost/api/markethistory",

You will need to design your API to accept requests and return responses per the following specifications:


Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Description
steamid ulong SteamID of the bot that data belongs to
source string
page uint Page number, defined as floor(data[start] / 500) + 1
data JObject The data taken directly from source with empty string values converted to null

Note Multiple pages of data will be requested sequentially, and not in parallel.


Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Required Description
success bool Yes Whether your operations succeeded or failed. If there's more pages to fetch, the plugin will only continue when success is true
message string No A custom message that will be displayed in place of the default succeed/fail message
show_message bool No Whether or not to show any message
get_next_page bool No Whether or not to fetch the next page. If the plugin was already going to fetch the next page anyway, this does nothing.
next_page uint No If get_next_page is set to true, the next page will be fetched using this page number


string type with no default value. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. When the loginventoryhistory command is used, inventory history data will be gathered and sent to the API located at the specified url.


"InventoryHistoryAPI": "http://localhost/api/inventoryhistory",

You will need to design your API to accept requests and return responses per the following specifications:


Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Description
steamid ulong SteamID of the bot that data belongs to
source string
page uint The value of the start_time query parameter used to request source. If a cursor object was used to request source instead, this will be equal to cursor[time]
cursor JObject The value of the cursor object query parameter used to request source
data JObject The data taken directly from source with empty string values converted to null

Note Documentation of Steam's Inventory History API can be found here

Note Multiple pages of data will be requested sequentially, and not in parallel.


Content-Type: application/json

Name Type Required Description
success bool Yes Whether your operations succeeded or failed. If there's more pages to fetch, the plugin will only continue when success is true
message string No A custom message that will be displayed in place of the default succeed/fail message
show_message bool No Whether or not to show any message
get_next_page bool No Whether or not to fetch the next page. If the plugin was already going to fetch the next page anyway, this does nothing.
next_page uint No If get_next_page is set to true, the next page will be fetched using this page number
next_cursor JObject No If get_next_page is set to true, the next page will be fetched using this cursor object


HashSet<uint> type with defalt value of []. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. When using the loginventoryhistory command or InventoryHistory IPC interface API endpoint, the results will be filtered to only show inventory history events from these AppIDs


"InventoryHistoryAppFilter": [730, 570],


uint type with default value of 15. This configuration setting can be added to your ASF.json config file. When using the loginventoryhistory or logmarkethistory commands to fetch multiple pages, it will add a Seconds delay between each page fetch.


"LogDataPageDelay": 15,

IPC Interface

API Method Parameters Description
/API/BoosterManager/{botName}/BoosterData GET Retrieves booster data for given bot
/API/BoosterManager/{botName}/MarketListings GET Retrieves market listings data for given bot
/API/BoosterManager/{botName}/MarketHistory GET page Retrieves market history data for given bot
/API/BoosterManager/{botName}/InventoryHistory GET startTime, timeFrac, s Retrieves inventory history data for given bot
/API/BoosterManager/{botName}/GetBadgeInfo/{appID} GET border Retrieves badge info for given bot
/API/BoosterManager/{botNames}/GetPriceHistory/{appID}/{hashName} GET Retrieves price history for market items 1


  1. Responses are not dependent on the account used to make these requests. You may provide multiple botNames, and the first available bot will be used to make the request.