A mission file is a configuration for a robot controlling software , it defines the execution order and additional properties for example waypoints.
This is a mission file
Version of the misson file
Version of this readme definition
name: "Example"
author: "Example"
license: "none"
- 'example-robot'
- 'another example robot'
Types :
- waypoints | The Body Defines a list of waypoints with speed height longitude and latitude
- script | The Body defines a python script to execute
- _plugin_name_/_body-type_
- ai | The Body defines a way to get input from a neural network and where to send the robots output
- steps | The Body defines steps to execute for example `{"steps":[{"type":"fly","velocity":[0,0,0]}]}`
- events-steps | advanced version of the steps parameter allows the device to react do events for example {"events":[{name:"battery-low",run:"example.steps"}]}
Events that you should send if you are a developer of a robot controlling software that uses this file format
- battery-low
- collision-with-obj
- turned-on
- manual-off
(default : false) The robot ignores all errors in executionsimulate:true
(default : false) The controlling software executes the mission file in a simulation not on a real device.devicecheck:false
(default : true) Ignores The supported-devices section of the Headeryamlbody:true
(default:false) Activates the not yet supported option to write the Body and the End part in yamlexampleplugin/exampleoption: 1
(default : 0)
`url:example.com/example.steps` The Url where the real Body is stored.
The error section is a Yaml block that defines what to do if the connection is lost or something bad happens
Exceptions that you should send if you are a developer of a robot controlling software that uses this file format
The connection to the device was lost
The device (for example a drone) collided with something.
The device was turned of by a human
The battery failed or is empty
Step files contain only a Body and a Error section, they cant be run so they have to be called by a mission file in the body or end part.
| {"run":"example.steps"}