DSO138 MINI - capture the waveform data and plot, save, export waveform and data.
Windows UWP software, support platform: x86
VSen,1V - Voltage sensitvity per division
Couple,DC - Coupling mode, AC, DC, GND
VPos, -3.12V - Vertical position of the zero Volt line
Timebase,0.5ms - Time base in time per division
HPos,00362 - Horizontal position offset in sample number (0..1023-320)
TriggerMode,AUTO - Trigger mode, Auto, Normal, Single
TriggerSlope,Falling - Trigger slope, Rising, Falling
TriggerLevel, 1.13V - Trigger Level in Voltage
RecordLength,01024 - Record Length in number of samples
Vmax, 3.77V - measured maximum voltage
Vmin, 0.44V - measured minimum voltage
Vavr, 2.10V - calculated average voltage
Vpp, 3.28V - calculated peak to peak voltage
Vrms, 2.67V - calculated Root-Mean-Square voltage
Freq, 1.036KHz - measured frequency
Cycl, 0.964ms - measured cycle time
PW, 0.487ms - measured pulse width
Duty, 50.5 % - measured duty cycle
SampleInterval,00020us - sample interval time