- 技术栈: React + antd + echart
- 接口API&虚拟机操作指令
startup ovs
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/openvswitch/scripts
ovs-ctl start
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/openvswitch/scripts
ovs-ctl --no-ovs-vswitchd start
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/openvswitch/scripts
ovs-ctl --no--ovsdb-server start
mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/openvswitch
ovsdb-tool create /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch
ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options --private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key --certificate=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,certificate --bootstrap-ca-cert=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,ca_cert --pidfile --detach --log-file
ovs-vsctl --no-wait init
ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach --log-file
cat /dev/null > /var/log/syslog
ovs-appctl vlog/set ANY:syslog:info
ovs-vsctl show
mn --custom /home/mininet/Projects/ryu/mytopo.py --topo mytopo --controller=remote
ryu-manager /home/mininet/Projects/ryu/controller.py /home/mininet/Projects/ryu/ofctl_rest.py --observe-links
py s1.attach('s1-eth4')
py s2.attach('s2-eth3')
py s3.attach('s3-eth3')
py s4.attach('s4-eth4')
py net.addLink(s1, c0)
py net.addLink(s2, c0)
py net.addLink(s3, c0)
py net.addLink(s4, c0)
py s1.cmd('ifconfig s1-eth4')
py s2.cmd('ifconfig s2-eth3')
py s3.cmd('ifconfig s3-eth3')
py s4.cmd('ifconfig s4-eth4')
Retrieve the switch stats
get the list of all switches
GET /stats/switches
get the desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/desc/<dpid>
get flows desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/flowdesc/<dpid>
get flows desc stats of the switch filtered by the fields
POST /stats/flowdesc/<dpid>
get flows stats of the switch
GET /stats/flow/<dpid>
get flows stats of the switch filtered by the fields
POST /stats/flow/<dpid>
get aggregate flows stats of the switch
GET /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid>
get aggregate flows stats of the switch filtered by the fields
POST /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid>
get table stats of the switch
GET /stats/table/<dpid>
get table features stats of the switch
GET /stats/tablefeatures/<dpid>
get ports stats of the switch
GET /stats/port/<dpid>[/<port>]
Note: Specification of port number is optional
get queues stats of the switch
GET /stats/queue/<dpid>[/<port>[/<queue_id>]]
Note: Specification of port number and queue id are optional
If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id,
please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number
e.g. GET /stats/queue/1/ALL/1
get queues config stats of the switch
GET /stats/queueconfig/<dpid>[/<port>]
Note: Specification of port number is optional
get queues desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/queuedesc/<dpid>[/<port>[/<queue_id>]]
Note: Specification of port number and queue id are optional
If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id,
please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number
e.g. GET /stats/queuedesc/1/ALL/1
get meter features stats of the switch
GET /stats/meterfeatures/<dpid>
get meter config stats of the switch
GET /stats/meterconfig/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
Note: Specification of meter id is optional
get meter desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/meterdesc/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
Note: Specification of meter id is optional
get meters stats of the switch
GET /stats/meter/<dpid>[/<meter_id>]
Note: Specification of meter id is optional
get group features stats of the switch
GET /stats/groupfeatures/<dpid>
get groups desc stats of the switch
GET /stats/groupdesc/<dpid>[/<group_id>]
Note: Specification of group id is optional (OpenFlow 1.5 or later)
get groups stats of the switch
GET /stats/group/<dpid>[/<group_id>]
Note: Specification of group id is optional
get ports description of the switch
GET /stats/portdesc/<dpid>[/<port_no>]
Note: Specification of port number is optional (OpenFlow 1.5 or later)
Update the switch stats
add a flow entry
POST /stats/flowentry/add
modify all matching flow entries
POST /stats/flowentry/modify
modify flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority
POST /stats/flowentry/modify_strict
delete all matching flow entries
POST /stats/flowentry/delete
delete flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority
POST /stats/flowentry/delete_strict
delete all flow entries of the switch
DELETE /stats/flowentry/clear/<dpid>
add a meter entry
POST /stats/meterentry/add
modify a meter entry
POST /stats/meterentry/modify
delete a meter entry
POST /stats/meterentry/delete
add a group entry
POST /stats/groupentry/add
modify a group entry
POST /stats/groupentry/modify
delete a group entry
POST /stats/groupentry/delete
modify behavior of the physical port
POST /stats/portdesc/modify
modify role of controller
POST /stats/role
send a experimeter message
POST /stats/experimenter/<dpid>
PUT /stats/program/<dpid>/<name>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": "OK"}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
DELETE /stats/program/<dpid>/<name>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": "OK"}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
GET /stats/program/<dpid>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": [[名称,创建时间,大小],...[名称,创建时间,大小]]}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
PUT /stats/config/<dpid>/<id>
数据格式 {"name": "小程序名称", "parameter": "小程序参数"}
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": "OK"}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
DELETE /stats/config/<dpid>/<id>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": "OK"}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
GET /stats/config/<dpid>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": [[名称,创建时间,大小],...[名称,创建时间,大小]]}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
GET /stats/user/<dpid>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": [[用户名称,uid],...[用户名称,uid]]}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
POST /stats/file/<dpid>
数据格式 {"path": "", "file": }
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": "OK"}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
GET /stats/file/<dpid>
数据格式 {"path": ""}
成功返回 文件数据
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
执行 shell 命令,body中存放shell命令
PUT /stats/shell/<dpid>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": "执行结果信息"},执行结果信息为原信息即shell原生结果
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
GET /stats/net/switches
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg":[
"dpid": "0000000000000008",
"ports": [
"dpid": "0000000000000008",
"port_no": "00000002",
"hw_addr": "da:83:d7:e9:32:bb",
"name": "s8-eth2"
失败返回 {"code": 0, "msg": []},
GET /stats/net/hosts
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg":[
"mac": "22:8a:68:a5:ae:87",
"ipv4": [
"ipv6": [],
"port": {
"dpid": "0000000000000001",
"port_no": "00000001",
"hw_addr": "16:b6:49:eb:3b:bb",
"name": "s1-eth1"
失败返回 {"code": 0, "msg": []},
GET /stats/net/links
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg":[
"src": {
"dpid": "0000000000000007",
"port_no": "00000003",
"hw_addr": "12:4f:ca:47:20:a0",
"name": "s7-eth3"
"dst": {
"dpid": "0000000000000008",
"port_no": "00000002",
"hw_addr": "da:83:d7:e9:32:bb",
"name": "s8-eth2"
失败返回 {"code": 0, "msg": []},
GET /stats/net/program
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": {"dpid": {("name", "parameter"),}}}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
GET /stats/net/config
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": {"name": uid}}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
POST /stats/net/config/<name>/<uid>
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": "OK"}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0
获取所有源和目的交换机的 dpid
GET /stats/net/edge
成功返回 {"code": 0, "msg": ["0000000000000001",...]}
失败返回 {"code": x, "msg": "错误信息"},x为错误码,非0