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Configurations for services and containers for the Clubs Council Website.


  • Clone the main repository and submodules (make sure your SSH-key has access to private repos too):
git clone -j8 --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules
cd services


  • To test in local machine run the following script which runs the micro-services in foreground.
docker compose up --build
  • To run the service locally in background, run the following script:
docker compose up --build -d
  • To stop the service, run the following script:
docker compose down


To run deployment related tasks, run the following script:

./ <option>

with the following options:

  • setup - To setup the deployment environment and adding the remote repository.
  • prod - To deploy the services in production environment.
  • staging - To deploy the services in staging environment.
  • submodules - To update all of the submodules on the server.
  • github - To update the submodules and repository on GitHub. This also prunes the old remote branch references from your local repository, to be in sync with the remote repository.
  • * - To see the list of available options.

NOTE: The above script assumes that you have the necessary permissions to deploy the services.