The exercises are a series of Jupyter Notebooks that are hosted on a GitHub repository. You can view a single exercise to see if it is of interest by clicking the linked name of each exercise in the Exercises section below. A non-executable version of the exercise will open in a new browser window.
- Make sure you have conda installed on your machine
- Download this repo | From the green "Code" dropdown, select "Download Zip" and unzip to a location on your computer
- Use a terminal window to navigate to the unzipped folder
The following commands will:
- Create a new conda environment named 'coastwatch' and load the required modules to it
- Activate the environment
- Runs a script that checks for any missing modules
- Launches jupyter-lab for displaying the jupyter notebook tutorials
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate coastwatch
The first three exercises demonstrate the CoastWatch R code tutorials as python code. They show you how to extract gridded data from ERDDAP inside a box or polygon, and along a track. Additional examples demonstrate practical applications of working with time-series of satellite data.
- Get Data Using a Rectangular Bounding Box
Demonstrates how to extract environmental data from an ERDDAP server in an rectangular bounding box (polygon) over time. - Get Data Along a Track
Extract environmental data from an ERDDAP server along an x,y and time trajectory, e.g. an animal or cruise track. - Get Data Using an Irregular Shape
Extract environmental data from an ERDDAP server in an irregular bounding box (polygon) over time, e.g. a marine protected area. - Comparing time-series of different satellite datasets Several satellite ocean color sensors have been launched since 1997 to provide a continuous record of global ocean color data. This exercise examines the variability of Chlorophyll-a values during time periods where the satellite measurements overlap.
- Creating a virtual buoy data
Create a virtual buoy from satellite data for locations where in-situ buoy data may not be available or has been discontinued.