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Academy Visual Identity and Styling

Kwasi Gachie edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 1 revision

This is the Academy’s styling guide, to help you through creating Academy communications. Feel free to seek further clarifications from any of the Academy communications team


Our visual identity is a flexible system that helps you communicate clearly while building visual consistency across our work. It features a growing set of templates and guides you can use to meet common design needs — and save time in the process.

This identity is integral to our ability to communicate our goals and deliver high-quality front-facing visuals. We recognize that having a strong brand is very important and our partners and community expect nothing less. Our brand communicates our core values and it helps us build trust with our partners, increase community engagement, foster input and contributions and build towards our mission.


All Academy logos are available here.

When using these logos to create any forms of artwork/posters, ensure that you:

  • Use the black version of the logo over a white background as your default.
  • Keep adequate white space around the logo. At any size, there should be half a logo’s-width of white space between the logo and any other object or border.
  • Use the SVG logo whenever possible. It has a small file size and renders well at any scale. PNG is an acceptable fallback if the format of your document doesn’t support SVG.
  • Ask when you have questions.
  • Don’t change the color of the logo.
  • Don’t place the logo over images.
  • Don’t stretch or skew the logo.


The primary Code for Africa colours include:

  • Black: #000000
  • Red- #ed1c24
  • Blue- #0d68a8
  • White- #ffffff


Images and Posters Images are an excellent way to communicate information. Here’s a quick guide to preparing Posters/artwork to use for artwork to be shared on Social Media. You can log >into this shared Adobe Spark account, which contains the standard poster templates.

Social Media Posters and Image Sizes.

The templates on Spark, contain optimized social media cards which are excellent for Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms. The shared templates include standardized color schemes which create a great contrast between text and the images The photos repo, which we are updating weekly, contains images with very little to no “clutter” which are an excellent way to communicate any message in seconds.

Typography: Font style: Cabin Sketch Font Color: White White #ffffff Font Background: Red #ed1c24

Messaging: Convey your event’s theme and intention using active words. Here’s a list of messages we have curated, to guide you through picking the best action text for your event.

  1. Fake News: Learn to fight it