Allows to upload a CSV file to perform verifications against real users parameterised.
This module provides a model Decidim::Verifications::CsvEmail
to store users informations (email).
It has an admin controller to upload CSV files with emails. When importing files all records are inserted and the duplicates are removed in a background job for performance reasons.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'decidim-verifications-csv_email', git: ''
And then execute:
bin/rails decidim_verifications_csv_email:install:migrations
bin/rails db:migrate
Enable the CsvEmail verifier in the desired organization's system/
Create a dummy app in your application (if not present):
bin/rails decidim:generate_external_test_app
# Copy migration into spec/decidim_dummy_app/db/migrate
cd spec/decidim_dummy_app/
bundle exec rails decidim_verifications_csv_email:install:migrations
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails db:migrate
cd ../..
And run tests:
bundle exec rspec spec
AGPLv3 (same as Decidim)