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Gilded Rose Refactoring Python Kata

CI Replit


This kata complements Clean Code: SOLID Principles, Ep. 9 - The Single Responsibility Principle.

This implementation of the Gilded Rose Kata in Python focuses on practicing the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). This kata aims to refactor the existing code to ensure that each class or function has a single responsibility and that code is easy to understand and maintain.



The Gilded Rose is a fictional inn that sells various goods. The quality of these goods degrades as they approach their sell-by date, so the inn has a system to update the inventory daily.

Each item in the inventory has a name, sell-in value (the number of days left to sell the item), and quality value (how valuable the item is; never negative or more than 50). Each day, the sell-in and quality values decrease by one, but once the sell-by date has passed, an item's quality degrades twice as fast.

Special item types

In addition to standard items, we have a few special item types:

  • Aged Brie: The item "Aged Brie" increases in quality the older it gets.
  • Sulfuras: The item "Sulfuras" is a legendary item that never has to be sold, and its quality is always 80.
  • Backstage passes. The item "Backstage passes to ..." increases in quality faster as its sell-in value approaches: by 2 when there are ten days or less and by 3 when there are five days or less, but drops to 0 after the concert.
  • Conjured: The item "Conjured" degrades in quality twice as fast as standard items.


The existing code violates the SRP principle by having a single GildedRose class for managing the inventory of items and updating their quality. The class has the following responsibilities:

  • keep track of a list of Item objects;
  • update the sell-in and quality values of each item;
  • ensure that the quality of each item never goes below 0 or above 50;
  • handle special cases for certain types of items (e.g., "Aged Brie," "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert").

Ideas for refactoring

  • Introduce separate update methods for different types of items.
  • Introduce a class responsible for updating the quality of an individual item.
  • Introduce sub-types and use inheritance to handle special cases.
  • Move the item creation logic to a separate class using the Factory design pattern.


You can import this project into Replit, and it will handle all dependencies automatically.


Run main

make run

Run tests

make test