You can either run this app locally or through Codesandbox.
To run locally:
- Clone the app
- Run
npm install
oryarn install
- Run
npm start
oryarn start
To run through Codesandbox:
- Visit this link:
- Click the collaboartion icon on the left sidebar (bottom most icon)
- Click "Fork Sandbox" button
- Review user story, acceptance criteria and details below
- Begin exercise in `./App.js` component.
As a world traveler 🌍🧳🗺
In order to be prepared for weather conditions ☀️ 🌧🌩
I want to know the weather for any city 🏙🌇🌉
- Ability to enter a city name
- Shows weather for city by name, e.g. "Sunny" or "Rain"
- Shows icon for given weather patterns
- Use the API to get weather data.
- The API key is provided in `/src/constants`.
- Shape of data returned from API:
- Details on icons:
- Tests - Your choice
- Refactor/cleanup