Baymax is a "just for fun" chatbot developed with wechaty and padlocal puppet to make WeChat great again and learn TypeScript.
For more information about baymax, please visit the blog post.
message commands
- baike: shows overview of the query.
- pet: shows a picture of cute pet.
- quote: creates a image with the message text as quote.
- id: get id for user and group.
- help: shows the help message for baymax.
cron commands
- birthday: send happy birthday text.
- cat: send cute cat picture.
- reminder: send general reminder text.
- weather: send weather report.
recallless group chat
Baymax will echo the recalled message back.
make sure you have node.js installed.
Create a config file named
from sample config and edit it as you need:cp config/sample_config.json config/config.json
as a reference for configuration. -
install dependencies
npm install
Compile baymax
npm run build
Run baymax
npm run dev-start