Astra packages for astra legacy (first generation) cameras in AMD64 and ARM64 systems with ROS2 Humble.
Add the following snippet under services
to any compose.yaml file to add this container.
command: ros2 launch astra_camera
restart: unless-stopped
privileged: true
network_mode: host
- /dev:/dev
Clone this reposiotory
git clone
Pull the Docker image and start compose (No need to run docker compose build
cd src/astra_legacy_ros/docker
docker compose pull
docker compose up
Clone this reposiotory
git clone
Build the Docker image and start compose
cd src/astra_legacy_ros/docker
docker compose -f compose-build.yaml build
docker compose -f compose-build.yaml up
Please refer to the official ROS 2 Humble installation guide for ubuntu 22.04
Install binary dependencies
sudo apt install libgflags-dev nlohmann-json3-dev ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-transport ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-publisher ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-info-manager
Better to create a folder named SDK in ubuntu home folder to keep following,
mkdir -p ~/SDK
cd ~/SDK
Install glog
wget -c -O glog-0.6.0.tar.gz
tar -xzvf glog-0.6.0.tar.gz
cd glog-0.6.0
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # Refreshing the link library
cd ~/SDK
Install magic_enum
wget -c -O magic_enum-0.8.0.tar.gz
tar -xzvf magic_enum-0.8.0.tar.gz
cd magic_enum-0.8.0
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # Refreshing the link library
cd ~/SDK
Install libuvc
git clone
cd libuvc
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # Refreshing the link library
cd ~/SDK
Create a new ros2 workspace or navigate to existing workspace
mkdir -p ~/workspace/src
cd ~/workspace/src
Clone the camera package into the ros2 workspace
git clone
Install libusb rules
cd ~/workspace/src/astra_legacy_ros/astra_camera/scripts
sudo bash
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
cd ~/workspace/src
colcon build --event-handlers console_direct+ --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
In terminal 1
source ./install/setup.bash
ros2 launch astra_camera
In terminal 2
source ./install/setup.bash
rviz2 -d src/astra_legacy_ros/astra_camera/rviz/pointcloud.rviz
● List topics / services/ parameters (open a new terminal)
ros2 topic list
ros2 service list
ros2 param list
● Check extrinsic parameters for depth to color
ros2 topic echo --qos-durability=transient_local /camera/extrinsic/depth_to_color --qos-profile=services_default
● Get camera parameters
ros2 service call /camera/get_camera_info astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetCameraInfo '{}'
● Check camera parameters, please refer to the ROS documentation for the meaning of the specific fields of the camera parameters camera info
ros2 topic echo /camera/depth/camera_info
ros2 topic echo /camera/color/camera_info
● Check device information
ros2 service call /camera/get_device_info astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetDeviceInfo '{}'
● Get the SDK version
ros2 service call /camera/get_sdk_version astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetString "{}"
● Set/get (auto) exposure
# Auto exposure switch. For setting the exposure manually, please turn off the auto exposure first
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_auto_exposure std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_auto_exposure std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_auto_exposure std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: false}"
# Setting exposure values
ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 2000}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 2000}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 2000}"
# Get exposure
ros2 service call /camera/get_ir_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}"
ros2 service call /camera/get_color_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}"
ros2 service call /camera/get_uvc_exposure astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}"
● Set/get gain
# Get Gain
ros2 service call /camera/get_color_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}' # OpenNI camera
ros2 service call /camera/get_ir_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}' # OpenNI camera
ros2 service call /camera/get_uvc_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}" # UVC camera
# Setting the gain
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 200}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 200}"
ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_gain astra_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32 "{data: 200}"
● Set mirror mode
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_ir_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_depth_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_uvc_color_mirror std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
● Set/get (auto) white balance
ros2 service call /camera/get_color_auto_white_balance astra_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 '{}' # Return 0 or 1
ros2 service call /camera/set_color_auto_white_balance std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'
● Turn on/off laser
ros2 service call /camera/set_laser_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}' # Turn on
ros2 service call /camera/set_laser_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}' #Turn off
● Turn on/off fan
ros2 service call /camera/set_fan_mode std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}' #Turn on
ros2 service call /camera/set_fan_mode std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}' # Turn off
● Turn LDP on/off
ros2 service call /camera/set_ldp_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: true}'
ros2 service call /camera/set_ldp_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool '{data: false}'
● Turn sensors on/off
ros2 service call /camera/toggle_ir std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}"
ros2 service call /camera/toggle_color std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}"
ros2 service call /camera/toggle_depth std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}"
ros2 service call /camera/toggle_uvc_camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data : true}"
● First, get the serial number of the camera, plug in the camera and run
ros2 run astra_camera list_devices_node
● In the multi-camera launch file, please change to the current connected cameras' serial number
● Launch
ros2 launch astra_camera
# Parameter setting template
camera_name : "camera" # # Camera name (unique)
color_width: 640 # RGB Wide
color_height: 480 # RGB High
color_fps: 30 # RGB frame rate
enable_color: true # RGB switches
# IR camera width/height/FPS
ir_width: 640
ir_height: 480
ir_fps: 30
enable_ir: false
# depth camera width/height/FPS
depth_width: 640
depth_height: 480
depth_fps: 30
enable_depth: true
# open depth to color alignment (hardware registration)
depth_align: false
# Device serial number, required for multiple cameras
serial_number: ""
number_of_devices: 1
# UVC camera , only for dabai , dabai DCW
uvc_camera.enable: false
uvc_camera.format: "mjpeg"
uvc_camera.vid: 0x0 0x0
# Retry count when opening camera failed
uvc_camera.retry_count: 100
# Different resolution alignment requires clipping and zooming, so ROI may need to be set
color_roi.x : -1 # Top left x
color_roi.y : -1 # Top left x
color_roi.width: -1
color_roi.height: -1
depth_roi.x : -1
depth_roi.y : -1
depth_roi.width: -1
depth_roi.height: -1
# depth scales
depth_scale : 1
publish_tf: true
tf_publish_rate: 10.0
reconnect_timeout: 6.0
● dabai Depth 640x400 aligned to color 640x480, the color needs to be cropped
color_roi.x : 0
color_roi.y : 0
color_roi.width: 640
color_roi.height: 400
● astra_mini Depth 320x240 aligned to color 640x480 requires depth scale change
depth_scale : 2
● After changing the configuration file, you need to run colcon build
to update it under install
, because the ROS2 environment is found under install
, not in the source code.
● Alignment must be turned on to produce colorized point clouds
For the start-up script, edit
and add the following
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=42
export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///etc/cyclonedds/config.xml # The cyclonedds configuration file, which can be left out if not available
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp # Optional: rmw_cyclonedds_cpp / rmw_fastrtps_cpp
ENVFILE=/home/orbbec/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash # The environment of ros2_astra_camera
if [ -f ${ENVFILE} ] ; then
echo "Loading astra camera env..."
source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash
source ${ENVFILE}
ros2 launch astra_camera # Dabai DCW as an example
echo "ros astra camera ws not found"
For the systemd script, edit ros2_astra_camera.service
and add the following
Description=orbbec astra device ROS wrapper
ConditionPathExists=/home/orbbec/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash # The environment of ros2_astra_camera
ExecStart=/home/orbbec/ros2_ws/ # Where to put the startup script
ExecStop=/bin/kill ${MAINPID}
Copy ros2_astra_camera.service to the system
sudo cp ros2_astra_camera.service /etc/systemd/system
Enable ros2_astra_camera.service
sudo systemctl enable ros2_astra_camera.service
Manual start
sudo systemctl start ros2_astra_camera.service
Check status
sudo systemctl status ros2_astra_camera.service
View log
journalctl -u ros2_astra_camera.service
Disable ros2_astra_camera.service
sudo systemctl disable ros2_astra_camera.service
Delete ros2_astra_camera.service (please be careful when entering commands)
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/ros2_astra_camera.service
The default DDS settings (Galactic) may not be efficient for data transmission. Different DDS settings will have different performance. Here we take CycloneDDS as an example. For detailed information, please refer toROS DDS Tuning。
● Edit cyclonedds configuration file
sudo gedit /etc/cyclonedds/config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CycloneDDS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<Domain id="any">
<Peer address="localhost" />
● Set the environment variables, add to .zshrc or .bashrc
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=42 # Numbers from 0 to 232
export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///etc/cyclonedds/config.xml
Tip:to understand why the maximum ROS_DOMAIN_ID is 232, please visit The ROS DOMAIN ID ● Increase UDP receive buffer size Edit
● No point cloud or image displayed on Rviz2
- The default QoS for outgoing messages is sense_data, i.e. Relaiblity Policy = Best Effort, please check if the Relaiblity Policy is set to Best Effort on Rviz2, and also check if there is any problem with the QoS setting of the message via
ros2 topic info -v /xxx/topic
● No picture from multiple cameras
It is possible that the power supply is insufficient, do not connect all cameras to the same hub, and a powered hub is recommended
It is also possible that the resolution is too high, try turning it lower
If the color camera is an UVC camera, the serial number of the UVC may not be set