Deployed Project Type "rspec" in the console to see if it passes the tests!
- Know how to implement a polytree using polytree nodes
- Know how to implement BFS and DFS for your polytree*
- Be able to explain the differences between BFS and DFS and when one might be preferred
- An #initialize(value) method that sets the value, and starts parent as nil, and children to an empty array.
- A #parent method that returns the node's parent.
- A #children method that returns an array of children of a node.
- A #value method that returns the value stored at the node.
- #dfs(target_value) method which takes a value to search for and performs the search.
def dfs(target_value)
return self if self.value === target_value
self.children.each do |child|
next_search = child.dfs(target_value)
# only return if it actually returns correct value
return next_search if next_search != nil
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- #bfs(target_value) method to implement breadth first search.
def bfs(target_value)
queue = []
visited = []
result = nil
queue << self
return self if self.value === target_value
visited << queue.shift
queue = self.children
while !(queue.empty?)
return result = queue.first if queue.first.value === target_value
queue.first.children.each {|child| queue << child }
visited << queue.shift
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