is based on This version has
been updated to be run outside of the package directory and reduce
external Rscript
You are welcome to:
submit suggestions and bug-reports at:
fork and send a pull request on:
compose an e-mail to:
Our version of maker
is meant to be installed and run outside of the
package directory. Start by cloning maker
(for example in the base
directory that contains your R
package(s)), create the appropriate
symlinks and use it.
git clone
ln -s maker/Makefile .
make help
make maker
$ make help
make TARGET PKG=package
e.g. make build PKG=MSnbase
build build source package
vignettes build vignettes in ./${PKGDIR}/vignettes/
compile-attributes run Rcpp::compileAttributes()
release build package for Bioc/CRAN release (includes vignettes etc.)
check build and check package; the check will always use "--no-vignettes" because vignettes are checked by the build process before
check-only check package and time checking
bioccheck build, check and BiocCheck package
bioccheck-only BiocCheck package
check-reverse-dependencies check packages which depend on this package
check-downstream check packages which depend on this package
clean remove temporary files and .Rcheck
clean-tar remove .tar.gz archive
clean-vignettes remove vignettes in inst/doc/
clean-all combine "clean", "clean-tar" and "clean-vignettes"
Increment version:
increment-version-major increment major version number (X++.1) and set the "Date" field in the DESCRIPTION file
increment-version-minor increment minor version number (1.X++) and set the "Date" field in the DESCRIPTION file
increment-version-patch increment patch version number (1.1.X++) and set the "Date" field in the DESCRIPTION file
install build and install package
install-only install package
remove remove package
roxygen roxygenize package
document document package
rd roxygenize rd rocklet
pkg-home pkgdown home
pkg-news pkgdown news
pkg-refs pkgdown references (manuals)
pkg-vigs pkgdown articles (Rmd vignettes)
pkg-all pkgdonw home, refs, articles and news (in that order)
pkgdown full pkgdown site using the pkgdown::build_site knit README.Rmd if available
NEWS defunct: see issue 33 (`news()` supports `` now)
Maker specific targets:
maker update maker toolbox update help output in
version prints latest git hash and date of maker
Available variables:
PKG/PKGDIR path to the target package (default is 'maker')
MAKERRC path to the maker configuration file (default is '~/.makerrc')
VIG vignettes be build (default is 1). If 0, build --no-build-vignettes is used
WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS fail on warnings (default is 1)
CRAN check using --as-cran (default is 0)
COLOURS using colours for R CMD check results (default is 1)
RPROFILE path to .Rprofile (default is ${MAKEDIR}/include/Rprofile)
TIMEFORMAT time format (default: empty)
Vignettes are not build when checking: R CMD check --no-build-vignettes
win-builder build package and send to
run-demos source and run demo/*.R files
get-default-pkg print current default PKG
set-default-pkg set new default PKG
remove-default-pkg remove current default PKG
setup-git-hooks setup git hooks
Getting help:
help target usage print this help text
Create an issue on or
write an e-mail to Sebastian Gibb <> and Laurent Gatto <>.
To add new project specific target to maker
, you could create a
directory in your main maker
directory (defined as
) and add the following to your ~/.makerrc
include ${ADDMAKEFILESDIR}/Makefile.*
to automatically include new Makefiles. See issue 8 for a short discussion and an example.
You could specify your own default variables in ~/.makerrc
. Please see, e.g.
## configuration Makefile for maker
## don't build vignettes
VIG := 0
## always use --as-cran
CRAN := 1
The ~/.makerrc
file is a Makefile as well. So you can use every
supported Makefile command.
See the
Setting R_HOME
issue to use multiple R
installations with maker
See the
file for additional/contributed recipes.