ConcourseConnect is a web application that enables the rapid creation of dynamic online communities – with applications ranging from social networking sites to business directories and collaborative intranets.
The application is written in Java and runs on Apache Tomcat using PostgreSQL.
- Enterprise Social Computing (Enterprise 2.0), also known as Social Business software
- Community Sites
- Social Networking Sites
- Local Business Directory (like a chamber of commerce or Yellow Pages site)
The features include:
- Activity streams (your company's own Twitter)
- Concise email updates of your connected friends and co-workers
- A functional wiki with inter-profile links and exporting to PDF
- Modules for Ideas, Blogs, Reviews, Discussion Forums, Document Management, Lists, Badges, Issues, Participants, Search, Tags, Classifieds and Promotions
The application is built using more than sixty (60) tightly-integrated Java portlets, plus several remote portlets using Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) technology that partners can deploy. Concursive has demo sites for each configuration so you can can quickly evaluate the application. Features include a full range of Web 2.0 tools: ratings, reviews, wiki, blog, comments, discussion forums, an ideas engine, and more. Users begin by creating a rich profile and joining groups.
- The source code version of ConcourseConnect is provided under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
- You can download the source and compile it yourself by cloning the repo and build it with Apache Ant
- Please note, the compiled version comes with a registration page for Concursive; once up and running this can be turned off in the file
- Since developing this code openly for many years, Concursive is using a fork in additional configurations and spaces
- For commercial support, integration and deployment please visit