A future Simulation and Modelling engineer. With existing experience in Geant4, and currently learning C++ in order to produce high performance applications.
Project | Description |
Geant4-R3B-Detector | The Geant4 code associated with my work at the University of York to build and simulate a hexagonal/octagonal detector in order to calculate the missing mass/Q value of a C12 atom, using a p,2p reaction. This is an almost direct continuation of my dissertation. |
Project | Description |
Geant4-Obsidian-Learning-Resource | This is a collection of notes I have taken during my research into the Geant4 Simulation framework. |
Spotify-Extractor | A Python system that can fetch all of the users Spotify playlist data, create a database, then use that database to plot a few diagrams visualising what type of songs the user has saved. The main libraries used in the program are, Spotipy, in order to communicate with the official Spotify API, SQLite3 is used to generate and fill a local database, and Bokeh, a browser based visualisation library for generating the diagrams. |
Hyperion-Capstone-Projects | A collection of projects completed during my Hyperion Development Data Science Bootcamp between 1st-Nov-2022 and 10th-Jan-2023. These projects cover a range of topics such as basic object oriented programming, exploratory data analysis, SQL databases and Machine learning algorithms. |
Dissertation (Report & Code) | My University of York Theoretical Physics BSc dissertation and accompanying code, investigating the optimal detector system for utilising a (p,2p) interaction when determining the proton binding energy within Carbon-12 atoms. |