Native Android Application for donating and requesting blood.
- Request Blood
- Schedule Blood donation appointment
- Get info about the nearby blood requests
- Find nearest blood banks
- Share blood Request
- Get emails and notifications about your appointments.
- Admin Feature to verify blood requests and avoid illegal activities.
- Android Studio
- VS Code
- Java
- Javascript
- Nodejs
- Express
- MongoDB
- Firebase Messaging Service
To run this project in your system, follow these steps -
- Download and install Android Studio.
- Clone the repository.
- Frontend: Build the app and deploy to your device/virtual device.
- Backend:
- Add value to .env file's variables which include link to MongoDB, email ID and Application Password .
- Start the application.
To hit the api you need to look for the port on which backend is running (default is 8000) and simply use Postman / Terminal to hit the api as "http://localhost:[Port]/api/[EndPoint]".
- Fork this repo and clone it to your system.
- Get the issue assigned to you on the ContriHUB website.
- Make the required changes. Please keep your changes relevant only to the issue specified.
- Add your name to
- Create a PR with your changes and a detailed description of the changes you have made.
- Submit the PR link on the ContriHUB website.
A list of contributors can be found in []