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verion: 1.0.0

The ngx_http_conf_debug_module module is used for debuging nginx configuration.

In debug mode, module will add the config infomation in a Nginx variable when a request incoming, which will affect the request processing.

In interrupt mode, module will intercept the request to prevent it from being proxy_pass to upstream server(because we just want to test the config).Simultaneous limitation of access by address and by password is controlled by the satisfy directive


  1. In location scene:
    1. ~ and ~* 's accuracy rely on macro NGX_HAVE_CASELESS_FILESYSTEM hasn't been defined(On darwin, cygwin and win32 OS)
    2. Nested location and @named location is not supported
    3. Location has been internal redirected(rewrite) is not supported

Example configuration

http {
    conf_debug_enable on;
    conf_debug_interrupt on;
    conf_debug_interrupt_code 406;

    add_header X-Conf-Debug-Location-Mode $conf_debug_location_mode always;
    add_header X-Conf-Debug-Location-Name $conf_debug_location_name always;
    add_header X-Conf-Debug-After-Rewrite $uri always;
    add_header X-Conf-Debug-Location-Upstream $conf_debug_location_upstream always;

    upstream local_8002 {

    server {
        listen 8001;

        location = / {
            proxy_pass http://local_8002;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://local_8002;

        location /documents/ {
            proxy_pass http://local_8002;

        location ^~ /images/ {
            proxy_pass http://local_8002;

        location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg)$ {
            proxy_pass http://local_8002;

        location ~ \.Doc$ {
            proxy_pass http://local_8002;

        location ^~ /prefix/ {
            rewrite /prefix/(.*) /$1 break;
            proxy_pass http://local_8002;




Just simply add a parameter for "configure" command when building Nginx from source code. Example:

./configure --add-module=<dir-you-save-the-repo>/ngx_http_conf_debug_module


Syntax: conf_debug_enable on|off;

Default: off

Context: http, server, location

Debug mode switch.

Syntax: conf_debug_interrupt on|off;

Default: off

Context: http, server, location

Switch for interrupt mode. If opened, request will be intercept

Syntax: conf_debug_interrupt_status_code code;

Default: 406

Context: http, server, location

If conf_debug_interrupt is set to on, reponse must be generated by Nginx. Response status code default is 406.

Embedded Variables

$conf_debug_location_mode: The request-matched location's mode

$conf_debug_location_name: The request-matched location's name

$conf_debug_location_upstream: The request-matched location's upstream