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me dotfiles

These dotfiles include:

  • A constantly declining mental state.[please god help me]
  • experimental and objectively overengineered configs.[like 5k SLoC,]
  • tons of questionable choices
  • conky[autogenerated on pywal wallpaper change]
  • the work of my entire life[very close to the end]
  • g a p[10 px]
  • colors with pywal integration for EVERYTHING
  • music integration

Installation(no guide here)

First of all, make sure that you have a fresh, functional frontal cortex on-hand. Save as much as you can and steal from your family, if you want to. A compter may also be required, but starting with the frontal cortex is always a great idea. In case you're reading this and do not have a frontal cortex, get help, slowly.

  1. Run git clone --depth 1 in a directory you do not value.
  2. cd dots to acquire the great understanding of the lore of Kingdom Hearts.
  3. Copy of the files from .config into ~/.config/... Who could have seen this coming???????
  4. Copy all the files from _HOME into ~/
  5. Read all of the keybinds, and the entirety of the Bible, you'll need that knowledge.
  6. Log into BSPWM, using your preferred method. (If you ever dare to use startx/xinit, I will find and follow you on twitter)
  7. Discard the frontal cortex in a safe manner immediately, as to minimize the chance of developing the frightening realization that I am indeed in your walls.
  8. Enjoy your newfound interest in using your computer, the 1950s way.


This configuration comes with a long list of those, some of which are shown in the conky widget as a reminder. Here are ALL of them for some reason(you need to expand the list to see them, that's how secretive I am)

Keybinds are probably here. Pipe bomb is attached
Keybind Function
Alt+Ctrl+T Open terminal emulator(st)
Meta+Enter Alternative to ^
Alt+Space Application launcher(rofi)
Meta+C Open NeoVide(the best NeoVim GUI)
Meta+Shift+C Open Firefox(developer edition)
Meta+E Open File Manager(thunar)
Ctrl+Shift+Q Close the focused window
Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Q ^ but with all windows of the app
PrintScreen Selection Screenshot(saved to /tmp)
Meta+PrntScr ^ but saved to ~/Screenshots
Meta+N Color picker(picked color is saved into the clipboard)
Meta+Space Switch languages(configruable in ~/.config/sxhkd/
Alt+Tab Somewhat Windows-like workspace local window switching
Meta+Tab ^ but with workspaces
Meta+R Rotates windows 90 degrees around the parent window
Meta+Y Send the focused node to the (newest) preselection
Meta+T Set the node state to tiled
Meta+Shift+T ^ but to pseudo_tiled
Meta+S ^ but to floating(stacked)
Meta+F ^ but to fullscreen
Meta+Ctrl+M Set the focused node's flags to marked
Meta+Ctrl+X ^ but to locked
Meta+Ctrl+Y ^ but to sticky
Meta+Ctrl+Z ^ but to private
Meta+[HJKL] Focus the node in the given direction(vim-like)
Meta+Shift+[HJKL] Send(move) the node in the given direction(vim-like)
Meta+P Focus the parent of the currently selected node
Meta+B ^ same but the brother
Meta+,[comma] Focus the node for the path jump of second
Meta+.[period] ^ same but to the first
Meta+[[left bracket] focus the next workspace of the current monitor
Meta+][right bracket] ^ but the previous
Meta+O Focus the older node in the node history
Meta+I ^ but the newer
Meta+[1-9,0] Focus the given workspace
Meta+Shift+[1-9,0] Send the focused window to the given workspace
Meta+Ctrl+[HJKL] Preselect in the given direction(vim-like)
Meta+Ctrl+[1-9] Preselect the ratio
Meta+Ctrl+Space Cancel the preselection for the focused node
Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Space Cancel the preselection for the focused desktop
Meta+Alt+[HJKL] Expand a window by moving one of it's sides outward
Meta+Alt+Shift+[HJKL] Contract a window by moving one of it's sides inward
Meta+[Left,Down,Up,Right] Move a floating window in a given direction
Meta+M Alternate between tiled and monacle layouts
Meta+G Draw resize(send window to drawn rectangle)
Meta+Alt+Plus/Equal Increase border size by 2
Meta+Alt+Minus Decrease border size by 2
Ctrl+Meta+Alt+L Lock the screen(with i3lock-color)
Meta+Escape Reloads sxhkd config
Meta+Alt+R Reload BSPWM
Meta+Alt+Q Quit BSPWM


List of all dependencies(click to expand)
fish kitty nerd-fonts-fira-code adobe-source-code-pro-fonts ttf-icomoon-feather otf-raleway ttf-ubuntu-font-family nerd-fonts-fantasque-sans-mono cantarell-fonts oxygen-cursors ant-dracula-kvantum-theme-git xdo xdotool bspwm wmctrl slop polybar pywal glava python-colorthief python-colour rofi sxhkd feh dunst conky playerctl xorg-xprop i3lock-color xclip xcolor npm glow python-black python-neovim flake8 fd luacheck shfmt shellcheck prettier deno stylua rustfmt
Separate Dependencies(For only using part of the config)

Required for WM Funcitonality:

  • bspwm(duh)
  • fish
  • st
  • nerd-fonts-fira-code
  • adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
  • ttf-icomoon-feather
  • nerd-fonts-fantasque-sans-mono
  • cantarell-fonts
  • oxygen-cursors
  • xdo
  • xdotool
  • wmctrl
  • slop
  • polybar
  • picom-jonaburg-fix(stability, performance and buttery smooth animations)
  • rofi
  • sxhkd
  • scrot
  • feh
  • dunst
  • playerctl
  • xorg-xprop
  • i3lock-color
  • xclip
  • xcolor

Easy to copy list:

fish neovim-git st nerd-fonts-fira-code adobe-source-code-pro-fonts ttf-icomoon-feather nerd-fonts-fantasque-sans-mono cantarell-fonts oxygen-cursors xdo xdotool wmctrl slop polybar picom-jonaburg-fix rofi sxhkd scrot feh dunst playerctl xorg-xprop i3lock-color xclip xcolor

NeoVim Requirements

  • neovim
  • neovide(for the GUI)
  • npm
  • glow

Warning, formatters for null-ls below

  • python-black
  • python-neovim
  • flake8
  • luacheck
  • shfmt
  • shellcheck
  • prettier
  • deno
  • styleua
  • rustfmt
  • emmet-ls (npm package),
    npm install -g emmet-ls

Conky Requirements

  • conky
  • nerd-fonts-fira-code


  • GLava[glava]
  • python-colorthief


Why is there no visualiser????? YOU PROMISED A VISUALISER, alternatively > Why is the bottom half of the desktop black?

That is most likely because GLava, the visualiser isn't set to use the correct geometry. To fix that, find the setgeometry setting in ~/.config/glava/rc.glsl and set it to be correct for your monitor setup(Ex. #request setgeometry 0 580 1920 500 for 1080x1920).

How do I make QT5 apps not look bad?????????????????
  1. Install QT5CT
  2. Get weird error
  3. Try to find a solution
  4. BASH your skull against the table, repeatedly
  5. Read this line
  6. Create/Open ~/.profile
  7. Put this into it:
    export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct
    export QT_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct
    export QT_PLATFORM_PLUGIN=qt5ct
    export QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1
  8. Configure QT5CT and Kvantum engine to your superior tastes
  9. Log out and back in/reload Xorg in another way(a crash will do)
  10. Emerge from this experience, a devout buddhist.(OPTIONAL)

What the hell is Kvantum and do I have to pay for it?

  • Install Kvantum
  • Download a QT5 theme from either KDE store or the AUR
  • Cry because you can't unzip it
  • Install the entire KDE app suite while trying to unzip it
  • Realize you can just use unrar x *path*
  • You did not forget to substitute *path* with the correct path because you're a smart Arch boi
  • Launch Kvantum and select QT5 theme you just extracted, then spend 20 minutes looking at built-in themes because you're indecisive
  • Finally set the theme in Kvantum
  • Feel immense pride for the sheer dissapointment your parents have just endured
How do I make GTK apps not look bad???????????
  1. Install LXAppearance
  2. Customize(using LXAppearance)
  3. Enjoy your epic and original Gruvbox theme

Huge thanks to @a1fishie

If you have an issue with configuration, installation or are suffering from severe depression, feel free to use the Issue function on GitHub.


You can get any of my custom wallpapers from my Wallpapers repo

A preview of the wallpapers themselves(click to expand)
stylized plain
Arch stripes, corrupted Arch stripes, corrupted Arch stripes Arch stripes
Nord geometric, stylized Nord geometric, stylized TokyoNight, cubes. TokyoNight, cubes.
The "do as I say" meme The "do as I say" meme Arch_minimal_4000x4000.png Arch, minimal 4000x4000

Random stuff you might find useful:

How to disable mouse acceleration

I use arch, btw.

I don't have lungs. At least that I know of.


Dotfiles for my Arch Linux setup







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