Introducing branding in an application is very similar. This project offers an aproach to integrate the branding artifacts into an application. The system relys on a generic store consumpt the abstract the persistency from the delivery. Currently the following stores are supported:
- Azure Storage Account: This store has the branding manifest stored on an Azure Storage account
There are several NuGet packages installable
NuGet\Install-Package CoreHelpers.Branding.Runtime.Abstractions
NuGet\Install-Package CoreHelpers.Branding.Runtime
NuGet\Install-Package CoreHelpers.Branding.AspNet
NuGet\Install-Package CoreHelpers.Branding.Stores.AzureStorage
The system must be configured by adding the following section into the application configuration:
"Branding": {
The Azure Storage Store should be configured via the IConfiguration framework. When using configuration files the structure is as follows:
"Branding": {
"Stores": {
"AzureStorage": {
"ConnectionString": "YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING",
The system is compatible with the .NET Core Dependency Injection. The following requests allow to regsiter the different services. This code should be added in the service configuration section of your application:
A common scenario is to apply the branding based on the host header of the incoming requets. The following middleware allows injects the current branding based on the host header:
app.UseBrandingWithRequestHost("YOUR_APPLICATION_ID", async (builder) =>
.AddLogo(nLogoSize.small, "YOUR_LOGO_URI")
.SetColor(nColorType.primary, "YOUR_COLOR")
.SetColor(nColorType.primaryFont, "YOUR_COLOR");
await Task.CompletedTask;
return builder.Build();
The current branding in views can be used easily by injecting the brand state and using them like a view model. Add the following lines to _ViewImports.cshtml:
@inject CoreHelpers.Branding.Runtime.IBrandingStateService branding
In every view the branding model can be used as follows:
<a class="link" target="_new" href="@branding.CurrentCompanyBranding.Legals[nLegalItems.imprint]">Imprint</a>