go-freshservice is an unofficial Golang API client that aims to provide access to most facets of the Freshservice API
import fs "github.com/CoreyGriffin/go-freshservice/freshservice"
// You can optionally setup a custom HTTP client to use which can
// include any settings you desire. If you would like to use the
// default client configuration just pass nil. This will default
// to a client that is simply configured with a timeout of 1 minute
myCustomHTTPClient := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Minute,
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a new client instance for making API calls
api, err := fs.New(ctx, "example.com", "my-cool-API-key", myCustomHTTPClient)
if err != nil {
// List all tickets
t, err := api.Tickets().List(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
// Add optional filter to list call
filter := &fs.TicketListOptions{
FilterBy: &fs.TicketFilter{
RequesterEmail: fs.String("test-account@example.com"),
SortBy: &fs.SortOptions{
Descending: true,
ft, err := api.Tickets().List(ctx, filter)
if err != nil {