The following code is written in VBA to simulate 1 night of the game Mafia. It uses Collections as the way to manage all the actions that occur and use the Excel Spreadsheet as a "database".
amain is the main module and function which performs the nights actions that occur. First, it creates the player colelction which is the current state of the Excel Sheet. This code is stored in the Creat_collection module.
Function create_collection()
' This function creates a collection of players in from the excel sheet
' this function returns the created collection
Dim CharacterList As Collection
Dim character As cCharacter
Set CharacterList = New Collection
'last row of users
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'assignment of each character's properties
For i = 2 To lastrow
Set character = New cCharacter = Cells(i, 1)
character.Char = Cells(i, 2)
character.Status = Cells(i, 3) = Cells(i, 4)
character.Affiliation = Cells(i, 5)
character.Special = Cells(i, 6)
character.Doused = Cells(i, 7)
character.Healed = Cells(i, 8)
character.Protected = Cells(i, 9)
character.Blocked = Cells(i, 10)
character.Visit = Cells(i, 11)
CharacterList.Add character
Next i
Set create_collection = CharacterList
End Function
Then, cycle actions occur. This is a wrapper loops through the collection for the players who are character X ( mafioso, doctors, bodyguards), following the game mechanics and performs the actions that the characters would have. For example a mafioso would have the ability to shoot a target. The cycle actions are found in the cycle_actions module. They all follow the syntax.
Sub cycleArsonists(coll As Collection)
Dim user As cCharacter `
For Each user In coll
If user.Char = "arsonist" Then
If = "ignite" Then
ArsonistIgnite, coll
ElseIf = "" Then
ArsonistDouse,, coll
End If
End If
Next user
End Sub `
Each player action follows a similar structure. The majority of the player methods take a target, themselves(the character/activeUser), the player collection, as well as a depth counter and a former target (last two being optional parameters. They all have this syntax: The target and active user index are found using a function. The active user is checked to see if they were blocked. The person the active user visits is addressed (in case the active user is redirected by a busdriver). They check that the target is not the veteran on alert. They check whether or not hte user has been switched. If the user is switched the function is recursively called once (using the depth += 1) as the former target is still the place visited. After all the checks, the character specific action happens. In the code below the investigate action happens. The possible crimes are displayed as a string. Up until the line with result
the code is the samefor most player actions, just written because vba does not support inheritance (to my knoowledge).
Sub Investigate(target As String, activeUser As String, ccoll As Collection, Optional depth As Integer = 1, Optional former As String)
Dim uList As String
''this sub takes the target of the activeUser, the activeUser and the player collection
' this sub prints the target of the activeUser's target
'this sub is dependent on find_person_index and set_Excel
target_Id = find_person_index(target, ccoll)
activeUser_Id = find_person_index(activeUser, ccoll)
If personIsBlocked(activeUser_Id, ccoll) Then
setExcel activeUser, 12, "you were blocked"
Exit Sub
End If
If depth > 1 Then
setExcel activeUser, 11, former
ccoll.Item(activeUser_Id).Visit = former
setExcel activeUser, 11, target
ccoll.Item(activeUser_Id).Visit = target
End If
If targetIsOnAlert(target_Id, ccoll) Then
ccoll.Item(activeUser_Id).Status = "dead"
setExcel activeUser, 3, "dead"
setExcel activeUser, 12, "you were killed by the veteran"
Exit Sub
End If
If ccoll.Item(target_Id).Special <> "" And depth = 1 Then
Investigate ccoll.Item(target_Id).Special, activeUser, ccoll, depth + 1, target
Exit Sub
End If
result = possible_crime_committed(ccoll.Item(target_Id).Char)
setExcel activeUser, 12, "your target committed the following crime: " & result
End Sub
helper functions are employed to be used in support of the player actions. possible_crimes_committed, above is an example of a helper function that is unique to the player.
Function possible_crime_committed(character As String)
Select Case character
Case "villager", "doctor", "sheriff", "jester", "witch", "amnesiac"
possible_crime_committed = "no crime"
Case "mayor", "marshall"
possible_crime_committed = "corruption"
Case "investigator", "vigilante", "detective", "lookout", "mafioso", "godfather", "consigliere", "framer", "janitor", "beguiler", "serial_killer", "arsonist", "mass_murderer"
possible_crime_committed = "trespassing"
Case "consort", "escort"
possible_crime_committed = "soliciting"
Case "veteran", "janitor", "arsonist", "mass_muderer"
possible_crime_committed = "Destruction of property"
End Select
End Function
Two global helper functions are the find_person_index and setExcel function. The first function returns the index at where the player of interest is stored in the player collection. Once the player is found, the properties of the player can be accessed.
Function find_person_index(name As String, coll As Collection)
'this sub finds the number of the person of interest in the PLayers collection
n = 1
Dim user As cCharacter
For Each user In coll
If = name Then
find_person_index = n
'MsgBox "User Found"
Exit Function
End If
n = n + 1
Next user
End Function
The other function is allows us to write back to the Excel sheet the changes that occur. This functino may not be used at a later time and have the collection parsed after the night actions occur.
Sub setExcel(target As String, param As Integer, newVal As String, Optional param2 As Integer, Optional newVal2 As String)
'This sub takes the player and their parameters of interest and updates the excel sheet
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
i = 1
Do While i <= lastrow
If Cells(i, 1).Value = target Then
Cells(i, param).Value = newVal
If param2 <> 0 Then
Cells(i, param2).Value = newVal2
End If
Exit Do
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub