HTTP Status Codes and Exceptions
- php: ^7.3 | ^8.0
Install the latest version with:
composer require 'corpus/http'
Base Exception class all HTTP Exception Classes Extend
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
Base of Exceptions Representing The 4xx Class
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
Base of 3xx Exceptions which include a "Location" header.
function __construct(string $location [, string $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
AbstractRedirectionHttpException constructor.
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- \Throwable | null
- [optional] The previous throwable used for the exception chaining.
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
Base of Exceptions Representing The 3xx Class
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct(string $location [, string $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
AbstractRedirectionHttpException constructor.
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- \Throwable | null
- [optional] The previous throwable used for the exception chaining.
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct(string $location [, string $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
AbstractRedirectionHttpException constructor.
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- \Throwable | null
- [optional] The previous throwable used for the exception chaining.
Base of Exceptions Representing The 5xx Class
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
Base of Exceptions Representing The 2xx Class
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents
function __construct([ $message = '' [, ?\Throwable $previous = null]])
Construct the *HttpException.
Use the HTTP Status code as the base exceptions code.
- string
namespace Corpus\Http;
class Status {
public const StatusContinue = 100;
public const SwitchingProtocols = 101;
public const Processing = 102;
public const EarlyHints = 103;
public const OK = 200;
public const Created = 201;
public const Accepted = 202;
public const NonAuthoritativeInfo = 203;
public const NoContent = 204;
public const ResetContent = 205;
public const PartialContent = 206;
public const MultiStatus = 207;
public const AlreadyReported = 208;
public const IMUsed = 226;
public const MultipleChoices = 300;
public const MovedPermanently = 301;
public const Found = 302;
public const SeeOther = 303;
public const NotModified = 304;
public const UseProxy = 305;
public const TemporaryRedirect = 307;
public const PermanentRedirect = 308;
public const BadRequest = 400;
public const Unauthorized = 401;
public const PaymentRequired = 402;
public const Forbidden = 403;
public const NotFound = 404;
public const MethodNotAllowed = 405;
public const NotAcceptable = 406;
public const ProxyAuthRequired = 407;
public const RequestTimeout = 408;
public const Conflict = 409;
public const Gone = 410;
public const LengthRequired = 411;
public const PreconditionFailed = 412;
public const RequestEntityTooLarge = 413;
public const RequestURITooLong = 414;
public const UnsupportedMediaType = 415;
public const RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416;
public const ExpectationFailed = 417;
public const Teapot = 418;
public const MisdirectedRequest = 421;
public const UnprocessableEntity = 422;
public const Locked = 423;
public const FailedDependency = 424;
public const TooEarly = 425;
public const UpgradeRequired = 426;
public const PreconditionRequired = 428;
public const TooManyRequests = 429;
public const RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431;
public const UnavailableForLegalReasons = 451;
public const InternalServerError = 500;
public const NotImplemented = 501;
public const BadGateway = 502;
public const ServiceUnavailable = 503;
public const GatewayTimeout = 504;
public const HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505;
public const VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506;
public const InsufficientStorage = 507;
public const LoopDetected = 508;
public const NotExtended = 510;
public const NetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511;
* @var array<int,string>
public static $statusText = [self::StatusContinue => 'Continue', self::SwitchingProtocols => 'Switching Protocols', self::Processing => 'Processing', self::EarlyHints => 'Early Hints', self::OK => 'OK', self::Created => 'Created', self::Accepted => 'Accepted', self::NonAuthoritativeInfo => 'Non-Authoritative Information', self::NoContent => 'No Content', self::ResetContent => 'Reset Content', self::PartialContent => 'Partial Content', self::MultiStatus => 'Multi-Status', self::AlreadyReported => 'Already Reported', self::IMUsed => 'IM Used', self::MultipleChoices => 'Multiple Choices', self::MovedPermanently => 'Moved Permanently', self::Found => 'Found', self::SeeOther => 'See Other', self::NotModified => 'Not Modified', self::UseProxy => 'Use Proxy', self::TemporaryRedirect => 'Temporary Redirect', self::PermanentRedirect => 'Permanent Redirect', self::BadRequest => 'Bad Request', self::Unauthorized => 'Unauthorized', self::PaymentRequired => 'Payment Required', self::Forbidden => 'Forbidden', self::NotFound => 'Not Found', self::MethodNotAllowed => 'Method Not Allowed', self::NotAcceptable => 'Not Acceptable', self::ProxyAuthRequired => 'Proxy Authentication Required', self::RequestTimeout => 'Request Timeout', self::Conflict => 'Conflict', self::Gone => 'Gone', self::LengthRequired => 'Length Required', self::PreconditionFailed => 'Precondition Failed', self::RequestEntityTooLarge => 'Request Entity Too Large', self::RequestURITooLong => 'Request URI Too Long', self::UnsupportedMediaType => 'Unsupported Media Type', self::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', self::ExpectationFailed => 'Expectation Failed', self::Teapot => 'I\'m a teapot', self::MisdirectedRequest => 'Misdirected Request', self::UnprocessableEntity => 'Unprocessable Entity', self::Locked => 'Locked', self::FailedDependency => 'Failed Dependency', self::TooEarly => 'Too Early', self::UpgradeRequired => 'Upgrade Required', self::PreconditionRequired => 'Precondition Required', self::TooManyRequests => 'Too Many Requests', self::RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', self::UnavailableForLegalReasons => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', self::InternalServerError => 'Internal Server Error', self::NotImplemented => 'Not Implemented', self::BadGateway => 'Bad Gateway', self::ServiceUnavailable => 'Service Unavailable', self::GatewayTimeout => 'Gateway Timeout', self::HTTPVersionNotSupported => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', self::VariantAlsoNegotiates => 'Variant Also Negotiates', self::InsufficientStorage => 'Insufficient Storage', self::LoopDetected => 'Loop Detected', self::NotExtended => 'Not Extended', self::NetworkAuthenticationRequired => 'Network Authentication Required'];
function statusText(int $code) : ?string
Return the text for an HTTP status code.
function getHttpStatusCode() : int
Get the HTTP Status Code the Exception Represents