Created for use with WUploader and WClient
* WCore & WUploader
WUploader send JSON data with POST method for WCore like: http://localhost:4567/upload
WCore capture the JSON and inject into the db
* WCore & WClient (public folder)
WClient need data, then, send a GET request for WCore and that ouput the data in JSON format
* Create a database. Example: mysqladmin -uroot -p123456 create wcore
* Copy `config/station.yml-sample` to `config/database.yml`
* Copy `config/station.yml-sample` to `config/config.yml`
* Configure `config/database.yml`
* Configure `config/config.yml` for token base
* Run bundler: `bundle install`
* Run database migrations: `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
* Run: `bundle exec rackup`