This validator will help you validate names for SharePoint 2013/2016 or SharePoint Online.
The validation can be used for library/list names, file names and Site-Subsite names.
The purpose of this library is to check field inputs by users.
For example if a form is used to create a new list / listItem / ... this code will check if the input is valid for the selected sharepoint version.
DEFAULT - The validator uses the characters and words defined by microsoft as being illegal for both File - Folder - Library - List - Site
CUSTOM - Next to those you also have the option to set custom characters and words.
BOTH - You also have the option to validate the input on both custom and default characters and words.
I will refer to DEFAULT - CUSTOM - BOTH in the instructions
If you would like to donate anything, you can always use the following link. Much appreciated! ;)
npm i @creativeacer/spnamevalidator
include the libary
import SPNameValidator, { Platform, ValidationType } from '@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator';
var SPNameValidator = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').default;
var Platform = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').Platform;
var ValidationType = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').ValidationType;
choose your SharePoint version
let spNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint 2013 - 2016"]);
let spNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint Online"]);
DEFAULT - perform a check on a name / entry
this.spNameValidator.checkName(string, ValidationType["File - Folder"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkName(string, ValidationType["ListName"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkName(string, ValidationType["Site"]);
This check will use the Default microsoft characters and words When the string is valid true will be returned.
If you would like to use a custom character or wordset you can do this by setting the desired illegal characters or words:
let customSPNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint 2013 - 2016"]);
let customSPNameValidator = new SPNameValidator(Platform["SharePoint Online"]);
// Set the characters and words
this.customSPNameValidator.setIllegalCharset(['a', '#', '7']);
this.customSPNameValidator.setIllegalWordset(['One', 'Work', 'Just']);
Characters are Case sensitive!
during validation: w !== W
words will be transformerd to uppercase
during validation: Word === WORD
CUSTOM without the default microsoft defined char and words
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["File - Folder"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["ListName"]);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["Site"]);
BOTH or with the default microsoft defined char and words - add true as third parameter
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["File - Folder"], true);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["ListName"], true);
this.spNameValidator.checkCustomValue(string, ValidationType["Site"], true);
When the string is valid true will be returned.
var SPNameValidator = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').default;
var Platform = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').Platform;
var ValidationType = require('@creativeacer/spnamevalidator/SPNameValidator').ValidationType;
var validator = new SPNameValidator(Platform['SharePoint 2013 - 2016']);
// should return false
var result = validator.checkName('_test', ValidationType['File - Folder']);
console.log('_test ' + result);
// should return true
var result = validator.checkName('test', ValidationType['File - Folder']);
console.log('test ' + result);
Happy coding!