specflow-emulator makes your cucumber gherkin tests more readable, maintanable and flexible by giving you a set of functionalities to improve the way of how you write your gherkin steps. You can compare it with the specflow ability to share steps between scenarios or feature and to make your tests DRY.
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// npm
$ npm install -D specflow-emulator
// yarn
$ yarn add -D specflow-emulator
// pnpm
$ pnpm add -D specflow-emulator
Feature: Calculator
Scenario: Adding two numbers
Given A number "1"
And A number "2"
And A number "3"
When I add all the numbers
Then I get "6"
import { loadFeature, defineFeature } from "jest-cucumber";
const feature = loadFeature(`pathToTheFeatureFile`);
defineFeature(feature, test => {
const aNumberStep = (step, numbers) => step(/^A number "(*)"/, number => {
test("Adding two numbers", ({ given, when, then, and }) => {
// these are shared variables in the test suite
const numbers = [];
let result = 0;
// these are a code duplication
aNumberStep(given, numbers);
aNumberStep(and, numbers);
aNumberStep(and, numbers);
when(/^I add all the numbers$/, {
result = numbers.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0);
then(/^I get "(.*)"$/, expectedResult => {
import { defineSteps } from "specflow-emulator";
export const stepDefinitions = defineSteps(
[{ feature: "Calculator" }],
({ Given, Then, When }) => {
/^A number "(.*)"$/,
// scenarioContext allows you to easily share data between steps
scenarioContext => number => {
scenarioContext.numbers = [...scenarioContext?.numbers, +number];
When("I add all the numbers", scenarioContext => () => {
scenarioContext.result = scenarioContext.numbers.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0);
Then(/^I get "(.*"$/, scenarioContext => expectedResult => {