Polyfill of @zos/ble/transfer-file API for ZeppOS 2.0/2.1 device.
Corrently not support "progress" event or cancel sending task.
Some api were not tested. I don't know whether it could work correctly.
This repo is for ZeppOS device,not app-side. see CuberQAQ/zepp-fs-side: Polyfill of transferFile API for ZeppOS 1.0/2.0/2.1 app-side for app-side polyfill.
Use Command npm i @cuberqaq/transfer-file --save
to install transfer-file in your ZeppOS Miniapp project.
In your app-side JavaScript source file, use this to import transfer-file:
import { TransferFile } from "@cuberqaq/transfer-file";
Then you can use the methods in the same way you do with @zos/ble/TransferFile. API Document see Zepp OS Developers Documentation
Receiving File:
import { TransferFile } from "@cuberqaq/transfer-file";
const transferFile = new TransferFile()
const inbox = transferFile.getInbox()
onInit() {
inbox.on('NEWFILE', function() {
const fileObject = inbox.getNextFile()
fileObject.on('change', (event) => {
if (event.data.readyState === 'transferred') {
console.log('transfered file success')
} else (event.data.readyState === 'error') {
Send File:
import { TransferFile } from "@cuberqaq/transfer-file";
const transferFile = new TransferFile()
const outbox = transferFile.getOutbox()
onInit() {
const fileObject = outbox.enqueueFile("assets://logo.png", { test: 1})
fileObject.on('change', (event) => {
if (event.data.readyState === 'transferred') {
console.log('transfered file success')
} else (event.data.readyState === 'error') {
By the way, it seems that the transfering speed could only reach 8kb/s :(