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Kingminer7 edited this page May 9, 2023 · 4 revisions

Heroku removed the free tier on November 28, 2022. There are some solutions, both free and paid, at the bottom of this article.

Discord Setup

You can use TheWylieMaster's Code, which You can get here.

Discord Bot Setup

Can be hosted on dedicated, heroku,, or other hosting solutions.


Firstly, you need to configure the config which can be found here. the image below shows the important parts of the config.

  • The bot token is what is used to make your bot work on discord. you can get the token for a bot here
  • The Prefix is what you use to use commands. For example, making the prefix x! will make it so the commands will be triggered like this: x!profile, x!level
  • The server is what server the bot works for.



To get emotes working on the bot, you will need to add them yourself. upload the emotes you want to use then you use \:emote: to find the ID of your emote. once you get the id, just copy and paste the entire emote ID into the config. emote ID's look like this: <:diamond:694900098836070440>

how to find emote IDs

Once you get the emoteID of the emote you want to add, all you do is copy and paste it into the config and it will work once you use the bot

emote config

Getting the bot online

The setup is quite easy. just upload this repository on your github account with the settings configured then you use heroku to host the bot..

No Need to worry about making the Profile, I made it in advance. all you need to do is host the repository on heroku and enable workers and then the bot should be functional

Need some support?

If you need any help with the set up, you can ask Wylie in his GDPS which is also the GDPS Bot discord server

List of some hosting solutions (paid and free)


Replit (use a site like or to keep alive)
Glitch (use a site like or to keep alive)
Render (use a site like or to keep alive)



Some that say free but also say pay by usage

Google Cloud Services

This Sidebar has some extra information that might help you :)

  • Stuck? Read the wiki to know how to install the GDPS to your server.
  • Have an issue? Then feel free ask questions or problems in Discussions tab.
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