A React component for network data visualization using Cytoscape.js.
This is a pure React component for visualizing graph data sets. Designed to consume CX as the input data.
To build and use this component, you need Node.js.
directory contains simple application using this React
To start, just cd to the directory and run:
npm install && npm run dev
and then open http://localhost:8080/
- React.js
- Immutable.js
- Cytoscape.js
- Webpack
- Babel (es6,jsx supported!)
- ESLint
- Jest for testing
npm run build - Build the component into /build
npm run clean - Remove anything in /build
npm run lint - Run eslint, will not cause npm to exit with an error
npm run test - Run eslint followed by jest, may cause npm to exit with an error (for travis)
npm run coverage - Run jest's coverage tool