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Cyanogenoid committed Aug 4, 2017
0 parents commit 9c890c3
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Showing 13 changed files with 907 additions and 0 deletions.
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[submodule "resnet"]
path = resnet
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# Strong baseline for visual question answering

This is a re-implementation of Vahid Kazemi and Ali Elqursh's paper [Show, Ask, Attend, and Answer: A Strong Baseline For Visual Question Answering][0] in [PyTorch][1].

The paper shows that with a relatively simple model, using only common building blocks in Deep Learning, you can get better accuracies than the majority of previously published work on the popular [VQA v1][2] dataset.

This repository is intended to provide a straightforward implementation of the paper for other researchers to build on.
The results closely match the reported results, as the majority of details should be exactly the same as the paper. (Thanks to the authors for answering my questions about some details!)
This implementation seems to consistently converge to about 0.1% better results, but I am not aware of what implementation difference is causing this.

A fully trained model (convergence shown below) is [available for download][5].

![Graph of convergence of implementation versus paper results](

## Running the model

- Clone this repository with:
git clone --recursive
- Set the paths to your downloaded [questions, answers, and MS COCO images][4] in ``.
- `qa_path` should contain the files `OpenEnded_mscoco_train2014_questions.json`, `OpenEnded_mscoco_val2014_questions.json`, `mscoco_train2014_annotations.json`, `mscoco_val2014_annotations.json`.
- `train_path`, `val_path`, `test_path` should contain the train, validation, and test `.jpg` images respectively.
- Pre-process images (93 GiB of free disk space required for f16 accuracy) with [ResNet152 weights ported from Caffe][3] and vocabularies for questions and answers with:
- Train the model in `` with:
This will alternate between one epoch of training on the train split and one epoch of validation on the validation split while printing the current training progress to stdout and saving logs in the `logs` directory.
The logs contain the name of the model, training statistics, contents of ``, model weights, evaluation information (per-question answer and accuracy), and question and answer vocabularies.
- During training (which takes a while), plot the training progress with:
python <path to .pth log>

## Python 3 dependencies (tested on Python 3.6.2)

- torch
- torchvision
- h5py
- tqdm

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# paths
qa_path = 'vqa' # directory containing the question and annotation jsons
train_path = 'mscoco/train2014' # directory of training images
val_path = 'mscoco/val2014' # directory of validation images
test_path = 'mscoco/test2015' # directory of test images
preprocessed_path = '/ssd/resnet-14x14.h5' # path where preprocessed features are saved to and loaded from
vocabulary_path = 'vocab.json' # path where the used vocabularies for question and answers are saved to

task = 'OpenEnded'
dataset = 'mscoco'

# preprocess config
preprocess_batch_size = 64
image_size = 448 # scale shorter end of image to this size and centre crop
output_size = image_size // 32 # size of the feature maps after processing through a network
output_features = 2048 # number of feature maps thereof
central_fraction = 0.875 # only take this much of the centre when scaling and centre cropping

# training config
epochs = 50
batch_size = 128
initial_lr = 1e-3 # default Adam lr
lr_halflife = 50000 # in iterations
data_workers = 8
max_answers = 3000
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import json
import os
import os.path
import re

from PIL import Image
import h5py
import torch
import as data
import torchvision.transforms as transforms

import config
import utils

def get_loader(train=False, val=False, test=False):
""" Returns a data loader for the desired split """
assert train + val + test == 1, 'need to set exactly one of {train, val, test} to True'
split = VQA(
utils.path_for(train=train, val=val, test=test, question=True),
utils.path_for(train=train, val=val, test=test, answer=True),
loader =
shuffle=train, # only shuffle the data in training
return loader

def collate_fn(batch):
# put question lengths in descending order so that we can use packed sequences later
batch.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True)
return data.dataloader.default_collate(batch)

class VQA(data.Dataset):
""" VQA dataset, open-ended """
def __init__(self, questions_path, answers_path, image_features_path, answerable_only=False):
super(VQA, self).__init__()
with open(questions_path, 'r') as fd:
questions_json = json.load(fd)
with open(answers_path, 'r') as fd:
answers_json = json.load(fd)
with open(config.vocabulary_path, 'r') as fd:
vocab_json = json.load(fd)
self._check_integrity(questions_json, answers_json)

# vocab
self.vocab = vocab_json
self.token_to_index = self.vocab['question']
self.answer_to_index = self.vocab['answer']

# q and a
self.questions = list(prepare_questions(questions_json))
self.answers = list(prepare_answers(answers_json))
self.questions = [self._encode_question(q) for q in self.questions]
self.answers = [self._encode_answers(a) for a in self.answers]

# v
self.image_features_path = image_features_path
self.coco_id_to_index = self._create_coco_id_to_index()
self.coco_ids = [q['image_id'] for q in questions_json['questions']]

# only use questions that have at least one answer?
self.answerable_only = answerable_only
if self.answerable_only:
self.answerable = self._find_answerable()

def max_question_length(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_max_length'):
self._max_length = max(map(len, self.questions))
return self._max_length

def num_tokens(self):
return len(self.token_to_index) + 1 # add 1 for <unknown> token at index 0

def _create_coco_id_to_index(self):
""" Create a mapping from a COCO image id into the corresponding index into the h5 file """
with h5py.File(self.image_features_path, 'r') as features_file:
coco_ids = features_file['ids'][()]
coco_id_to_index = {id: i for i, id in enumerate(coco_ids)}
return coco_id_to_index

def _check_integrity(self, questions, answers):
""" Verify that we are using the correct data """
qa_pairs = list(zip(questions['questions'], answers['annotations']))
assert all(q['question_id'] == a['question_id'] for q, a in qa_pairs), 'Questions not aligned with answers'
assert all(q['image_id'] == a['image_id'] for q, a in qa_pairs), 'Image id of question and answer don\'t match'
assert questions['data_type'] == answers['data_type'], 'Mismatched data types'
assert questions['data_subtype'] == answers['data_subtype'], 'Mismatched data subtypes'

def _find_answerable(self):
""" Create a list of indices into questions that will have at least one answer that is in the vocab """
answerable = []
for i, answers in enumerate(self.answers):
answer_has_index = len(answers.nonzero()) > 0
# store the indices of anything that is answerable
if answer_has_index:
return answerable

def _encode_question(self, question):
""" Turn a question into a vector of indices and a question length """
vec = torch.zeros(self.max_question_length).long()
for i, token in enumerate(question):
index = self.token_to_index.get(token, 0)
vec[i] = index
return vec, len(question)

def _encode_answers(self, answers):
""" Turn an answer into a vector """
# answer vec will be a vector of answer counts to determine which answers will contribute to the loss.
# this should be multiplied with 0.1 * negative log-likelihoods that a model produces and then summed up
# to get the loss that is weighted by how many humans gave that answer
answer_vec = torch.zeros(len(self.answer_to_index))
for answer in answers:
index = self.answer_to_index.get(answer)
if index is not None:
answer_vec[index] += 1
return answer_vec

def _load_image(self, image_id):
""" Load an image """
if not hasattr(self, 'features_file'):
# Loading the h5 file has to be done here and not in __init__ because when the DataLoader
# forks for multiple works, every child would use the same file object and fail
# Having multiple readers using different file objects is fine though, so we just init in here.
self.features_file = h5py.File(self.image_features_path, 'r')
index = self.coco_id_to_index[image_id]
dataset = self.features_file['features']
img = dataset[index].astype('float32')
return torch.from_numpy(img)

def __getitem__(self, item):
if self.answerable_only:
# change of indices to only address answerable questions
item = self.answerable[item]

q, q_length = self.questions[item]
a = self.answers[item]
image_id = self.coco_ids[item]
v = self._load_image(image_id)
# since batches are re-ordered for PackedSequence's, the original question order is lost
# we return `item` so that the order of (v, q, a) triples can be restored if desired
# without shuffling in the dataloader, these will be in the order that they appear in the q and a json's.
return v, q, a, item, q_length

def __len__(self):
if self.answerable_only:
return len(self.answerable)
return len(self.questions)

# this is used for normalizing questions
_special_chars = re.compile('[^a-z0-9 ]*')

# these try to emulate the original normalisation scheme for answers
_period_strip = re.compile(r'(?!<=\d)(\.)(?!\d)')
_comma_strip = re.compile(r'(\d)(,)(\d)')
_punctuation_chars = re.escape(r';/[]"{}()=+\_-><@`,?!')
_punctuation = re.compile(r'([{}])'.format(re.escape(_punctuation_chars)))
_punctuation_with_a_space = re.compile(r'(?<= )([{0}])|([{0}])(?= )'.format(_punctuation_chars))

def prepare_questions(questions_json):
""" Tokenize and normalize questions from a given question json in the usual VQA format. """
questions = [q['question'] for q in questions_json['questions']]
for question in questions:
question = question.lower()[:-1]
yield question.split(' ')

def prepare_answers(answers_json):
""" Normalize answers from a given answer json in the usual VQA format. """
answers = [[a['answer'] for a in ans_dict['answers']] for ans_dict in answers_json['annotations']]
# The only normalisation that is applied to both machine generated answers as well as
# ground truth answers is replacing most punctuation with space (see [0] and [1]).
# Since potential machine generated answers are just taken from most common answers, applying the other
# normalisations is not needed, assuming that the human answers are already normalized.
# [0]:
# [1]:

def process_punctuation(s):
# the original is somewhat broken, so things that look odd here might just be to mimic that behaviour
# this version should be faster since we use re instead of repeated operations on str's
if is None:
return s
s = _punctuation_with_a_space.sub('', s)
if, s) is not None:
s = s.replace(',', '')
s = _punctuation.sub(' ', s)
s = _period_strip.sub('', s)
return s.strip()

for answer_list in answers:
yield list(map(process_punctuation, answer_list))

class CocoImages(data.Dataset):
""" Dataset for MSCOCO images located in a folder on the filesystem """
def __init__(self, path, transform=None):
super(CocoImages, self).__init__()
self.path = path
self.id_to_filename = self._find_images()
self.sorted_ids = sorted(self.id_to_filename.keys()) # used for deterministic iteration order
print('found {} images in {}'.format(len(self), self.path))
self.transform = transform

def _find_images(self):
id_to_filename = {}
for filename in os.listdir(self.path):
if not filename.endswith('.jpg'):
id_and_extension = filename.split('_')[-1]
id = int(id_and_extension.split('.')[0])
id_to_filename[id] = filename
return id_to_filename

def __getitem__(self, item):
id = self.sorted_ids[item]
path = os.path.join(self.path, self.id_to_filename[id])
img ='RGB')

if self.transform is not None:
img = self.transform(img)
return id, img

def __len__(self):
return len(self.sorted_ids)

class Composite(data.Dataset):
""" Dataset that is a composite of several Dataset objects. Useful for combining splits of a dataset. """
def __init__(self, *datasets):
self.datasets = datasets

def __getitem__(self, item):
current = self.datasets[0]
for d in self.datasets:
if item < len(d):
return d[item]
item -= len(d)
raise IndexError('Index too large for composite dataset')

def __len__(self):
return sum(map(len, self.datasets))
Empty file added logs/.dummy
Empty file.

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