Plan to add more demos about components with SpringBoot architecture.
- boot-for-activemq
- boot-for-actuator
- boot-for-springboot-admin
- boot-for-aop
- boot-for-api
- boot-for-artemis
- boot-for-arthas
- boot-for-azkaban
- boot-for-bash
- boot-for-cloudalibaba-configmap
- boot-for-curl
- boot-for-tiktok-doudian
- boot-for-druid-db
- boot-for-easyexcel
- boot-for-easypoi
- boot-for-es
- boot-for-feign
- boot-for-flowable
- boot-for-fluentmybatis
- boot-for-flyway
- boot-for-freeipa
- boot-for-ignite
- boot-for-influxdb
- boot-for-ioc
- boot-for-jpa
- boot-for-k8sapp
- boot-for-k8sclient
- boot-for-kuaishou-shop
- boot-for-ldap
- boot-for-liquibase
- boot-for-minio
- boot-for-mongo
- boot-for-mvc
- boot-for-mybatis
- boot-for-mybatis-dynamicdb
- boot-for-mybatis-multidb
- boot-for-mybatisplus
- boot-for-nacos-server
- boot-for-nacos-client
- boot-for-okhttp3
- boot-for-quartz
- boot-for-qywx
- boot-for-rabbitmq
- boot-for-redis
- boot-for-redisson
- boot-for-rocketmq5
- boot-for-shardingsphere
- boot-for-shiro
- boot-for-socket
- boot-for-sshd
- boot-for-statemachine
- boot-for-swaggerui
- boot-for-tablesaw
- boot-for-tio
- boot-for-wxpay
- boot-for-xxljob
- boot-for-zookeeper
- sofaboot-hutool
- boot-for-swagger-ui
- send messages by
- receive messages by
- app info api: /appInformation
- app health check api: /appHealthCheck
- selfdefined health check: OlapEngineHealthIndicator
- Doc: JAVA类应用监控
开箱即用- http://localhost:8088 就可以看到基础应用监控
- 普通基于接口的切面
- 自定义注解的切面
- Doc: Learning_aop-Round1_日常使用
- send messages by
- receive messages by
- Doc: 消息队列的消息服务规范及其代表产品
- Doc: ActiveMQ-01Classic&Artemis功能介绍
- Doc: ActiveMQ-02Artemis服务部署
- Doc: ActiveMQ-03Artemis的SpringBoot客户端
use clickhouse-jdbc by default
plan to try springboot-jpa & clickhouse-jdbc
- 接口传递参数,页面能够使用,使用springboot默认支持的thymeleaf模板引擎,FreeMarker也可以
- jsp版本
- xml适配