This project provides a SOTA level lightweight YOLO called "Cross-Stage Lightweight YOLO"(CSL-YOLO),
it is achieving better detection performance with only 43% FLOPs and 52% parameters than Tiny-YOLOv4.
This paper has been accepted by IEEE ISCAS 2022.
arXiv (v1) Paper Link:
IEEE ISCAS (v2) Paper Link: Coming soon !
python3 -p cfg/predict_coco.cfg
python3 -t cfg/train_coco.cfg
python3 -ce cfg/eval_coco.cfg
This DEMO runs on a pure CPU environment, the CPU is I7-6600U(2.6Ghz~3.4Ghz), the model scale is 224x224, and the FPS is about 10.
Please execute the following script to get this DEMO, the "camera_idx" in the cfg file represents the camera number you specified.
#Camera DEMO
python3 -d cfg/demo_coco.cfg
The model's default scale is 224x224, if you want to change the scale to 320~512,
please go to cfg/XXXX.cfg and change the following two parts:
# input_shape=[512,512,3]
# out_hw_list=[[64,64],[48,48],[32,32],[24,24],[16,16]]
# input_shape=[416,416,3]
# out_hw_list=[[52,52],[39,39],[26,26],[20,20],[13,13]]
# input_shape=[320,320,3]
# out_hw_list=[[40,40],[30,30],[20,20],[15,15],[10,10]]
| 224 to 320
# input_shape=[512,512,3]
# out_hw_list=[[64,64],[48,48],[32,32],[24,24],[16,16]]
# input_shape=[416,416,3]
# out_hw_list=[[52,52],[39,39],[26,26],[20,20],[13,13]]
# input_shape=[224,224,3]
# out_hw_list=[[28,28],[21,21],[14,14],[10,10],[7,7]]
The entire MS-COCO data set is too large, here only a few pictures are stored for DEMO,
if you need complete data, please download on this page.
We did not use the official format of MS-COCO, we expressed a bounding box as following:
[ left_top_x<float>, left_top_y<float>, w<float>, h<float>, confidence<float>, class<str> ]
The bounding boxes contained in a picture are represented by single json file.
For detailed format, please refer to the json file in "data/coco/train/json".
For detailed COCO report, please refer to "mscoco_result".
- Improve the calculator script of FLOPs.
- Using Focal Loss will cause overfitting, we need to explore the reasons.