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IP ASN History

IP ASN History is an open source project to figure out the ASN announcing an IP and the closest prefix announcing it at a specific date.

The default currently loads announces from CAIDA also RIPE dumps in MRT format.

IP ASN History is a complete open source project to run your own server locally.

If you don't want to run your own server, there is a public API operated by CIRCL.

Python client

See the PyIPASNHistory repository


The REST API has two entry points:

  • /meta (GET): returns meta informations about the information currently stored in the database

       "sources": [
       "expected_interval": {
         "first": "2018-05-12",
         "last": "2018-11-08"
       "cached_dates": {
         "caida": {
           "v4": {
     	"cached": [
     	"missing": [
     	"percent": 99.44444444444444
           "v6": {
     	"cached": [
     	"missing": [],
     	"percent": 100.0

Note: the percentage will help 3rd party component to decide if they should query the service now or wait. It is expected to miss a few days and probably not important.

  • / (POST/GET): Runs a query. (if you want to resolve more than 1000 IPs, use mass_cache and mass_query)


    • ip: (required) IP to lookup
    • source: (optional) Source to query (defaults to 'caida') - currently, only caida is supported
    • address_family: (optional) v4 or v6 (defaults to v4)
    • date: (optional) Exact date to lookup (defaults to most recent available)
    • first: (optional) First date in the interval
    • last: (optional) Last date in the interval
    • precision_delta: (optional) Max delta allowed between the date queried and the one we have in the database. Expects a dictionary to pass to timedelta. Example: {days=1, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0}


       "meta": {
         "source": "caida",
         "ip_version": "v4",
         "ip": ""
       "error": "Optional, only if there was an error",
       "info": "Optional, informational message if needed",
       "response": {
         "2018-11-01T12:00:00": {
           "asn": "44050",
           "prefix": ""
         "2018-11-02T16:00:00": {
           "asn": "44050",
           "prefix": ""
         "2018-11-03T12:00:00": {
           "asn": "44050",
           "prefix": ""
         "2018-11-04T12:00:00": {
           "asn": "44050",
           "prefix": ""
         "2018-11-05T12:00:00": {
           "asn": "44050",
           "prefix": ""
         "2018-11-06T12:00:00": {
           "asn": "44050",
           "prefix": ""

    Curl examples:

    It works fine for single requests, if you have batches of IPs to lookup, use the python API and mass_cache mass_query.

    curl ""

    Note: The date returned may differ from the one queried: the system will figure out the closest available date to the one queried.

  • /mass_cache (POST): Caches a lot of queries at once, don't wait for the lookup.

    Parameters: A list of dictionaries with the same parameters as the default query.

    Response: A list of queries that IPASN History wasn't able to process.

    Note: Use this path when you have lots of query to run and (>1000) in order to resolve all of them at once.

  • /mass_query (POST): Caches a lot of queries at once. Either wait for the lookup to be done, or pick the data from cache.

    Parameters: A list of dictionaries with the same parameters as the default query.

    Response: A list of responses as the default query.

    Note: Use this path when you have lots of query to run and (>1000) in order to resolve all of them at once.

  • /asn_meta (POST): Returns meta informations about an ASN

    Parameters: A list of dictionaries with the same parameters as the default query.


      "meta": {
      "address_family": "v4",
      "asn": "137342",
      "source": "caida"
      "response": {
        "2019-01-01T12:00:00": {
          "137342": {
            "ipcount": "512",
            "prefixes": [


IMPORTANT: Use poetry

NOTE: Yes, it requires python3.8+. No, it will never support anything older.

Install redis

git clone
cd redis
git checkout 7.0
make test
cd ..

Note: If it fails, have a look at the documentation.

Install kvrocks

git clone
cd kvrocks
git checkout 2.5
./ build
cd ..

Note: If it fails, have a look at the documentation.

Install & run IP ASN History

git clone
cd IPASN-History
poetry install
echo IPASNHISTORY_HOME="'`pwd`'" > .env
poetry shell

Shutdown IP ASN History


(Optional) Build & install bgpdumpy, required to process dumps from RIPE

sudo apt install ca-certificates gcc make autoconf libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev
poetry install -E ripe