This is a collection of smart contracts for building composable, modular, and upgradable DAOs.
For a detailed look at how these contracts work, see our wiki.
Every DAO is made up of three modules:
- A voting power module, which manages the voting power of DAO members.
- Any number of proposal modules, which manage proposals in the DAO.
- A core module, which holds the DAO treasury.
For example, voting power might be based on staked governance tokens, staked NFTs, or membership and proposal modules might implement yes/no, multiple-choice, or ranked-choice voting.
Each module type has a standard interface. As a result, any voting module can be used with any proposal module, and any proposal module with any voting module.
The best way to get started is to create a DAO! We maintain an open source frontend you can find at
If you believe you have found a problem, please let us know.
DAO DAO has been audited by Oak Security on multiple occasions. You can find all the audit reports here.
Our institutions grew rapidly after 1970, but as time passed their priorities shifted from growth, to protectionism. We're fighting this. We believe The Internet is where the organizations of tomorrow will be built.
DAO DAO is a global community working on Internet governance, and a real DAO. We've never raised money, and all our work is open-source. We hope you'll join us.
Information about our development workflow and how to contribute can be found in
Run cargo test
, or just test
from the project root to run the unit tests.
Run just bootstrap-dev
to spin up a local environment and just integration-test-dev
to run tests against it.
See ci/integration-tests/ for more information.
DAO DAO TOOLING IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. No developer or entity involved in creating the DAO DAO UI or smart contracts will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of DAO DAO tooling, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.