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Land/Takeoff events added after ED change in 2.9.6

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@dutchie032 dutchie032 released this 05 Nov 01:23

DCS-gRPC 0.8.1 Released!

For context:
In release 2.9.6 a change to the behaviour of land and takeoff events was made by ED.
This might cause some unexpected delay/issues.

To summize the new behaviour since 2.9.6:

  • S_EVENT_LAND : Occurs when an aircraft lands at an airbase, farp or ship and sufficiently slows down.
  • S_EVENT_TAKEOFF: Occurs when an aircraft takes off from an airbase, farp, or ship. Occurs several seconds after take-off.
  • S_EVENT_RUNWAY_TOUCH: Occurs the moment when the player aircraft aircraft lands at an airbase, farp or ship.
  • S_EVENT_RUNWAY_TAKEOFF: Occurs when an aircraft leaves the ground and takes off.

Previously the S_EVENT_LAND and S_EVENT_TAKEOFF would trigger instantly, but they only change now when DCS logically assumes a successful takeoff/landing.
S_EVENT_RUNWAY_TOUCH and S_EVENT_RUNWAY_TAKEOFF were (assumingly) added to still expose the earlier behaviour.

With Version 0.8.1 of DCS-gRPC these new events are now added for implementation by clients.



  • Events OnRunwayTouch and RunwayTakeoff for "changed" TakeOff and Landing logic in DCS.