This is a work in progress. Next thing to implement is a HDMI controller for video output. Currently, output constant green background.
In summary, I use fusesoc wishbone bus generator and VexriscV wishbone ibus and dbus. But VexriscV wishbone dbus need a little modification to make it compatible with fusesoc wishbone bus implementation.
I have added support to modify .mif file from Tom Verbeure tutorial. No need to recompile hardware each time.
DDR3 with Intel IP work but implementation is not optimized. Write speed is ~12MiB/s. So no burstmode with burst size greater than one supported right now. Bandwidth between cpu and memory is limited by Wishbone Bus with no burst support. Theoretical write speed from cpu: 50MHz * 4 bytes /(2 cycles per write + 2 cycles to read instruction) ~= 50 MiB/s.
Long term goal is to use BrianHG DDR3 memory controller. It offer faster speed ddr3 at 2x400MHz, memory interface at 200 MHz vs Intel 2x300MHz and memory interface at 150 MHz.
Started to work on usb. When building hardware, the timing requirements are not met because of TUSB1210 hardware controller but other peripherals still works.
- python 3
sudo apt install python-is-python3
- python pip
sudo apt install python3-pip
- pyyaml
pip install pyyaml
- python-yaml
sudo apt-get install python-yaml
pip install fusesoc
- quartus 20.1
At the end of .bashrc file add:
export PATH="/home/__your_user_name__/intelFPGA_lite/$QUARTUS_VERSION/quartus/bin:$PATH"
- RiscV toolchain from source or get pre-build binary
To compile from source:
git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --enable-multilib
sudo make -j N
where N is the number of processors.
At the end of .bashrc file add
export PATH=/opt/riscv/bin:$PATH
- Recent version of verilator to be able to do simulation.
TODO: add instruction to build verilator from source
My FuseSoc workspace folder is ~/Documents/bin/fusesoc. Adapt to your own folder. Also adapt paths to quartus binary and riscv toolchain.
See usb blaster udev chapter 3.2.2. Installing on Red Hat Enterprise 5 and 6
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/51-usbblaster.rules
Copy inside that file
BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="09fb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="6010",
BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="09fb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="6810",
git clone
Inside the cloned directory
fusesoc library add fusesoc_cores
fusesoc library add gpio
fusesoc library add wb_avalon_bridge
Check inside fusesoc_cores/wb_intercon directory. If version number is lower than 1.3, get latest version
fusesoc library add wb_intercon
cd sw/Deca/DecaWishbone/accelerometer
- Compile software that generate .hex and .mif files
- Generate bitstream (.sof file) and upload ~ 5 min.
make hw
Note that make hw need to be done only once except if hardware source code is modified.
- To update bram of the bitstream with new binary
make update_ram
- To upload the previously generated bitstream:
make upload
- To do a simulation:
make sim
Then ctrl-c after few seconds because .vcd file grow fast ~1 GiB/5s
- To view assembly generated by riscv toolchain
make objdump
To view serial output from the soc execute the following program
picocom /dev/ttyUSBX --baud 115200 --imap lfcrlf
where X is usb port number or use Arduino IDE serial monitor.
- VexRiscv cpu that implement RiscV 32 imc instructions set with a Wishbone bus.
- Frequency: 50 MHz
- Ram: 128k
- KEY0 is wired to reset.
- Uart RX need to be connected or pull high, otherwise Uart tx will be halted (SpinalHDL Uart implementation feature).
- To modify frequency, go in rtl/Deca/pll, execute quartus then choose pll for MAX10 and overwrite pll.v
- If frequency is changed, modify the fixed frequency in WbUart.scala and regenerate the WishboneUartCtrl.v to keep 115200 baud rate.
- To modify the ram size: Modify RAM_SIZE in Makefiles. Adjust gp and sp in crt0.S. Modify mem size parameter of Wishbone generator (wb_intercon) in Deca.core.
- Add code to clear bss memory section in startup code before main is called.
- Add documentation on how to generate the VexRiscv.v file from Vexriscv github repository.
- Show .vcd file location that generated from simulation.
- VexRiscV cpu
- Hardware libraries provided by fusesoc
How to generate a linker script and
How to update bram from a previously generated bitstream: and
Tom Verbeure ulpi hardware source code