Blog Post of the related DGTal 1.4 release 🎉
DGtalTools-contrib 1.4
- Remove STBimage preprocessor instruction used to fix MVSC that is no more usefull since DGtal PR 175 (Bertrand Kerautret #79)
- Continuous integration on windows does not use Appveyopr anymore but Github Actions. (Bertrand Kerautret #77)
- rotNmap: new tools to apply a rotation in the input normal map (it rotates both the position and normals orientation to be consistant). (Bertrand Kerautret #70)
- basicEditMesh: improvement of mesh read using generic reader/writer. (Bertrand Kerautret #72)
- trunkMeshTransform: new tools to transform trunk mesh from input centerline and cylinder coordinates. (Bertrand Kerautret #82)
- graphViewer: new options to apply a scale factors on the radius input values and to display constant tube section. (Bertrand Kerautret #74)
- polyMeshColorize: new tool to colorize a mesh. (Bertrand Kerautret #83)
- polyMeshEdit: new tool to edit mesh based on polyscope (Bertrand Kerautret #78)