I'm a full stack web developer specializing in interactive web apps and desktop apps. I have a passion for designing and developing Next.js/React based websites and am skilled in TypeScript, Google Firebase, Python, C++, and Java.
- Frontend : React.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI, Radix-UI, shacn-ui, Chakra UI, and Material UI
- Backend : Node.js, Express.js, Python, FastAPI, Firebase, MongoDB
- Languages : Python, TypeScript, C++, Java
- Software : VS Code, Webstorm, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, Notion, WSL, Git, Vercel, GitHub, GitLab
- NFT Showcase Platform: A platform to fetch and display NFTs using OpenSea API with the power of Next.js
- API Parser: A simple API exploring web app to verify the api before used in production
- YouTube Explorer: An application to explore YouTube channels using the YouTube API.
- Personal Portfolio: My personal portfolio website built with Next.js and Daisy UI.
- Old Portfolio: My old personal portfolio website built with React.js and Chakra UI.
- PyCOL-React: My first react based web app used to explore colors for their websites and applications.
- PyCOL-Qt: A Python based Qt application which is a desktop version of PyCOL-React
- Website : Personal Portfolio
- LinkedIn : Connect with me
- Twitter : @dhanushh48
- Instagram : @dhanushh48