Here you can find a code example of the Gantt chart for Lightning Web Components on Salesforce Platform.
The sample is implemented with the help of JavaScript Gantt chart library - DHTMLX Gantt.
- Enable the Developer Hub in your organization
- Install the Salesforce CLI
Change login url (sfdcLoginUrl) in sfdx-project.json to url of your SalesForce organization
Create scratch org
sfdx org login web -d
sfdx org create scratch -f config/project-scratch-def.json -d
- Publish code
sfdx project deploy start
sfdx data import tree -f ./data/GanttTask__c.json
- Open scratch org in browser
sfdx org open
- Create custom tab with Gantt
The scratch org already has Gantt app which you can check, or go to "Setup : Lighting Apps", create a new Lighting App and drop the Gantt from the list of available components:
- Open the tab with Gantt by choosing it from the
App Launcher
getTasks in force-app/main/default/classes/GanttData.cls returns list of tasks and links, adjust this query as necessary.
force-app/main/default/lwc/gantt/gantt.js contains code of web component
function unwrap(fromSF){
const data = => ({
unwrap functions controls how data from SalesForce is converted to Gantt compatible objects. You will need to modify this code if you will want to provide some additional data properties from SalesForce to the Gantt
const root = this.template.querySelector('.thegantt'); = this.height + "px";
const gantt = window.Gantt.getGanttInstance();
initializeUI creates an instance of gantt. This is the perfect place to configure gantt by using its API
task: {
createDataProcessor defines data saving rules, they need to be adjusted if you will want to save some extra fields along with the default Task's data.
The package force-app/main/default/staticresources/ comes under the Evaluation license of DHTMLX Gantt. The Gantt chart will show a warning message about a 30-day trial period from time to time. For production usage, you will need to replace the js and css files in this archive with the ones from the DHTMLX Gantt package under the Enterprise or Ultimate licenses.
- Documentation:
- DHTMLX Gantt product page:
- Video tutorial:
- About DHTMLX Gantt in Salesforce:
- Demo of DHTMLX Gantt chart with resource management diagram for SalesForce LWC: