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Releases: DMPRoadmap/roadmap


23 May 23:03
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  • Fixed issues with when and where templates are versioned
  • Fixed numerous usability issues on the Templates and Template editing pages
  • Added a Global Notification system (courtesy of the DMP OPIDoR team)
  • Upgraded to the latest versions of Ruby and Rails

This upgrade will require you to:

  • Install Ruby 2.4.4
  • Run rake upgrade:remove_duplicated_template_versions to remove any duplicated versions created by the old codebase
  • Run rake db:migrate to update your templates table, drop an unused table, and add the tables needed for the notification system
  • Run bundle install
  • Run npm install (from the lib/assets/ directory)
  • Run npm run bundle [-- -p (if in production)] (from the lib/assets/ directory)


  • Global Notification system

    • Super admins can now define system messages that are displayed to users when they log into the site
    • Messages can be defined as dismissable, and have a begin and end date
    • Example uses: System maintenance announcements, Funder template changes, etc.
    • New DB tables added to support the notifications: notifications and notification_ackowledgements
  • Upgrade to Ruby 2.4.4 and Rails 4.2.10

    • Upgrade Ruby 2.2.2 -> 2.4.4
    • Upgrade Rails 4.2.7 -> 4.2.10
    • Updated Gemfile to remove version specifications for most gems
    • Updated Gemfile to remove unused gems (rollify, yard, red-carpet, swagger-docs, friendly_id, yaml_db, minitest-rails-capybara, administrate)
    • Dropped unused friendly_id_slugs table that was used by one of those gems
    • Updated all NPM JS dependencies
    • Updated various tests and files to correct deprecation warning messages
  • Template pages refactor

    • Complete refactor of all Template/Phase/Section/Question/Annotation files models, controllers, views, JS
    • Renamed columns in the templates table (migrated->archived, dmptemplate_id->family_id)
    • Removed dirty flag from templates table
    • Extracted and rewrote all of the scopes from models/template.rb to models/scopes/template_scope.rb
    • Moved all template/phase/section/question/question_option controllers to the org_admin namespace and updated routes accordingly
    • Added a new controllers/concerns/versionable.rb concern to aid controllers with determining what changes create a new template version
    • All versioning and customization logic moved from controllers to the models
    • Updated Template edit page so that sections and questions load on demand via AJAX rather than on inital page load
    • Refactored all related JS
    • Added unit and functional tests for all refactored objects
    • Updated test_helper.rb to act as a factory for creating test objects


25 Apr 15:40
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  • The contact us form no longer throws an 'Invalid Captcha' error when you try to submit the form when logged in. #1394
  • Plans on the My Dashboard page are now sorted by the date they were last updated (descending) #1395

Org Admins

  • Addressed some issue with displaying usage statistics for some users #1410
  • Editing the default template no longer results in its disappearance from the customizable templates table and it remains available to users creating a new plan #1415


  • Fixed an issue with OmniAuth redirects when working from localhost #1397


17 Apr 17:54
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Org Admins

  • Fixes an issue with uploading logos for an organisation #1357
  • Fixes an issue with the status of funder template customizations #1363


  • Contact us form submission will now fail if the Recaptcha checkbox has not been checked #501


06 Apr 20:55
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Patches for issues reported when trying to customize templates (#1318):

  • Customizable Templates status column now shows proper 'Unpublished changes' status #1345
  • Funder template default visibility is 'Public' now #1342
  • The Customizable Templates tab stays in focus after publishing/unpublishing a template customization #1338
  • Customized example answers now appear when editing a plan #1344
  • Guidances tab on the write plan page now shows the Org abbreviation before each guidance section for customized templates #1343


29 Mar 09:30
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  • Bugfix to prevent paginable success handler to be executed when it should not. This fix solves the problem of ending up with a blank view when an action in any row from a paginable table is triggered.


28 Mar 18:33
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  • Any required fields now have a red asterisk (*) in front of the label (e.g. Project title on the Project Details tab)
  • The screen no longer flickers/jumps when a you clicks on a Guidance tab on the Write Plan tab
  • Only owners and co-owners of a plan are allowed to access a plan's Share tab
  • The plan Download tab is only available to users you have invited to collaborate on your plan (reviewers cannot download or share it)
  • Clicking 'Submit' on the Project Details tab now brings you to the Plan Overview tab
  • Plan PDF downloads now include the PI's ORCID iD (if the coversheet is selected)
  • Public Template PDF exports now properly distinguish between guidance and example answers
  • You are now able to download plans that have a multiple choice question
  • Your table sort is now retained when you click 'View all' or 'View less'

Org Admins

  • You will now see an Organisation and Created column on the Users page.

Super Admins

  • The 'View All' link has been removed from the Users page
  • You can activate/deactivate user accounts on the User page
  • The user's name is now clickable and will open a page that allows you to edit the User's name, email address, language selection and organisational affiliation


  • A fix for a DB migration issue that removes defaults from the orgs.links and templates.links TEXT fields (only effected MySQL installations)


13 Mar 19:48
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We’re delighted to announce that the DMPTool and DMPonline sites are both now running from the new joint DMPRoadmap codebase. We pushed the MVP out to test last month and have now migrated our production services. There are lots of exciting new features, including:

  • A usage dashboard lets organisational administrators generate statistics for the number of users and plans for given date ranges. Admins can also download a csv to manipulate raw usage data for their organisation further.
  • Organisational administrators can see all the plans for their institution and download metadata on these.
  • Users can request feedback on DMPs if affiliated with an organisation that opts to enable this feature.
  • Administrators are alerted to requests and can make comments alongside each question.
  • Users can turn guidance on/off at any stage, and display guidance from multiple institutions at once.
  • Users can set language preferences, configure email notification settings and link their account with their ORCID ID on their profile.
  • UK users benefit from plan visibility settings, public DMPs and public templates as features from the DMPTool.
  • US users benefit from the ability to customise funder templates (add sections and guidance or example answers) and themed guidance to map one set of institutional guidance across all templates.

Developer notes:

  • Moved asset management from the Rails' asset pipeline over to NPM and WebPack. All assets are stored in lib/assets and you will need to run Webpack to compile and package these resources (See the installation guide for more details). The Rails asset pipeline is disabled in the config/environments/[environment].rb so be sure to update any local environment files for your installation!
  • Upgraded all JS files to ES6 and introduced a linter to help ensure code consistency and quality
  • Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3 and a complete rewrite of all stylesheets
  • Started using Rails concerns where appropriate (e.g. Paginable, ExportablePlan, etc.)
  • Made the following database changes:
    • templates.visibility allows Orgs that are both funder and organisation/institution to specify whether their template is an external funder template or for internal use (drives the template selection on the create plan page)
    • plans.visibility allows a user to share their plan with other members of their organization, with the public, identify the plan as a test or keep it private (default - configurable in application.rb)
    • orgs.links and template.links a configurable number of links that admins can supply for Orgs and Templates (funders only). Org links appear in the institutional branding header and template links appear as sample plans or funder links on the new public facing funder requirements page
    • plans.complete a new flag that gets set to true when at least 50% (configurable in application.rb) of the plans questions have been answered. This drives whether or not the plan's visibility can be changed and is also factored into usage statistics
    • users.prefs and the prefs table were added to allow for users to set their email notification preferences
    • A new :reviewer role type and the following fields were added to allow for the new 'request feedback' feature: orgs.feedback_enabled, orgs.feedback_email_subject, orgs.feedback_email_msg and plans.feedback_requested
    • org_identifiers table was added to allow for you to manage a customized list of orgs that have shibboleth enabled (table is used to store the Org's shib entity_id)
    • added to allow users to 'remove' a plan from their list but not actually delete the plan
    • New columns added to the plans table: principal_investigator_email, principal_investigator_phone, data_contact_email and plans.data_contact_phone
    • orgs.contact_name added and displays in the UI instead of the contact email
    • Numerous indexes were created to help improve query efficiency


16 Feb 19:15
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Temporarily rolled back Omniauth update because of dependency hell.


16 Feb 15:48
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v0.3.7 Pre-release

Bugfix/maintenance/security update release.

Please update as soon as possible because of Omniauth gem security advisory.


22 Dec 17:56
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  • Fixed typo in CSS file
  • Upgraded the Nokogiri gem to v1.8.1 (and mini_portile2 dependency to 2.3.0)
  • Upgarded the Yard gem to 0.9.5